B&R Topic|Preparatory Launching Ceremony of "China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance" and "Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance" and Speech by Indonesian Ambassador to China held at Hainan University


(Reporter/Photographer Yu Mengyue Wang Mengyang) On the morning of November 24, 2020, the preparatory launching ceremony for the "China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance" and the "Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance" and the speech by the Indonesian Ambassador to China were held at Hainan University Social Science Building, first floor lecture hall was held. Mr. and Mrs. Zhou Hao Li, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to China; Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary General of the China-ASEAN Center; Mr. Luo Qingming, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Hainan University; Mr. Liang Mou, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Hainan University; Mr. Ye Guangliang attended the ceremony. Ye Guangliang presided over the ceremony.

Fig. 1 Wu Yaoting and Indonesian Ambassador to China Zhou Haoli exchanging souvenirs

Fig. 2 Wu Yaoting and Chen Dehai, Secretary General of the China-ASEAN Centre, exchange souvenirs

Fig. 3 Luo Qingming meets with the delegation of the China-ASEAN Centre and the delegation of the ASEAN Ambassadors to Hainan

Fig. 4 Luo Qingming and Chen Dehai, Secretary General of the China-ASEAN Centre, exchanging souvenirs

During the event, Party Secretary Wu Yaoting and President Luo Qingming of Hainan University met with a delegation from the China-ASEAN Centre and a delegation from the ASEAN Ambassadors' Hainan Tour.

Fig. 5 Lighting the starter ball together

Luo Qingming announced the official launch of the Alliance's preparatory work and lit the launch ball together with Zhou Haoli, Chen Dehai and representatives of ASEAN ambassadors in China, marking the official launch of the "China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance" and the "Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance" preparatory work.

Zhou Haoli delivered a keynote speech on "The Future of China-ASEAN Relations". He elaborated on China-Indonesia relations, China-ASEAN relations and the bright future of China-ASEAN cooperation, and reviewed the development of bilateral relations. He pointed out that since the establishment of the strategic partnership between China and Indonesia, the two sides have deepened cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade, investment and culture, and have achieved a series of important results, and China has become a very important partner of Indonesia. He said that ASEAN will further accelerate the process of region-building, implement existing and explore future priority areas of cooperation to provide a visible prospect for inter-regional cooperation and promote peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. He proposed that in the future, ASEAN countries will strengthen the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, overcome the impact of the epidemic, promote economic recovery, and push the China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership to go deeper and deeper, making new contributions to the cause of solidarity and cooperation among developing countries and the peaceful development of humanity.

Chen Dehai said that Hainan and ASEAN countries are geographically close to each other, and exchanges and practical cooperation in various fields have maintained a good development. Hainan University has established close international cooperation with universities and research institutions in ASEAN countries, making positive contributions to promoting education, research, culture and youth exchanges between China and ASEAN countries. The event was organised to promote understanding of ASEAN and China-ASEAN relations among young students from Chinese universities, to enhance friendship between young people and people from both sides, and to lay a more solid foundation of public opinion for promoting the development of the China-Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership and the China-ASEAN strategic partnership. He looked forward to more young people becoming successors to the cause of Sino-Indonesian friendship and cooperation, and injecting new momentum into the relations between the two countries and China-ASEAN relations.

Luo Qingming delivered a speech at the launch ceremony. He said that Hainan University has actively implemented the strategy of opening up the university and built a new pattern of "all-round, multi-level and broad field" foreign exchange and cooperation, and has carried out substantial cooperation with ASEAN countries in many aspects through cooperation in running schools, various exchange programs for teachers and students, foreign aid training, regional research and so on. Up to now, Hainan University has established cooperation with 186 universities or institutions in 37 countries and regions. He stressed that, in the context of Hainan's comprehensive promotion of the construction of the free trade port, Hainan University will be based on the existing discipline advantages and construction of the foundation, "China ASEAN Sports and Cultural Development Alliance" "Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance" as an opportunity to effectively carry out for Southeast Asia The University of Hainan will take the "China ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance" and the "Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance" as an opportunity to develop educational cooperation and exchanges with Southeast Asian countries, to achieve complementary advantages, development and sharing of results.

More than 300 people attended the launch ceremony, including the delegation of the "China-ASEAN Relations Lecture Series", the delegation of education officials from ASEAN embassies in China, the Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, the heads of relevant functional units of Hainan University and representatives of teachers and students.

It is reported that the "China-ASEAN Sports Culture Development Alliance" is jointly initiated by the China-ASEAN Center and Hainan University, and is a non-governmental, non-profit, open, international multilateral cooperation and exchange platform between universities, research institutions, social organizations and enterprises in China and ASEAN countries in the field of sports culture on a voluntary basis. The Alliance aims to promote cooperation among its members in the areas of sports culture research, talent training, sports industry, sports exhibition, sports forum, event operation, mutual visits and exchanges, and to achieve common development. After the establishment of the alliance, it will establish a sharing mechanism of open courses among alliance members, jointly build shared courses and promote various sports talent training projects among alliance members; integrate advantageous resources to build brand projects such as "China-ASEAN Sports Culture Development Forum" and "China-ASEAN Sports Expo It will also integrate advantageous resources to create brand projects such as the "China-ASEAN Sports Culture Development Forum" and "China-ASEAN Sports Expo"; make use of the quality talent resources of the alliance to promote sports experts and sports elites from China and ASEAN countries to carry out teaching and scientific research in alliance members, and promote international cooperation among alliance members in the fields of sports teaching, scientific research and personnel exchange. In addition, a China ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Research Centre will be established to organise elite think tanks among the Alliance members around sports development issues in China and ASEAN countries, to participate deeply in research and publish research results regularly.

The "Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance", jointly initiated by the China-ASEAN Centre and Hainan University, is a non-government, non-profit, multilateral cooperation and exchange platform between China and various countries and regions along the Maritime Silk Road, including universities, organisations, social groups and enterprises involved in the field of arts education, and appropriately including world-renowned art universities, on a voluntary basis. The Alliance is an open and international multilateral cooperation and exchange platform to promote cooperation among its members in the areas of teaching and research, talent training and cultural exchange in the field of art education. The alliance will expand the training of various types of art professionals among alliance members and share quality resources in art education; create a think tank for the Maritime Silk Road Art Education Alliance and conduct research on art education policies along the Maritime Silk Road. It will also make use of the Alliance's high-quality intellectual resources to promote first-class artists from China and countries and regions along the Maritime Silk Road to carry out teaching and scientific research in the Alliance's member units.

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