B&R Topic|China-ASEAN Centre Delegation and ASEAN Ambassadors visit Hainan University College of Physical Education


In order to create a platform for cooperation and exchange between the "China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance" and to promote the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, Hainan University proposed and advocated the establishment of the "China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Alliance". "On the morning of 25 November 2020, a delegation from the China-ASEAN Center and ASEAN envoys visited Hainan University'sCollege of Physical Education to conduct a visit and exchange activities. Vice President Liang Mou of Hainan University accompanied and attended the symposium on behalf of the university throughout the visit, while the International Cooperation and Exchange Office and other relevant functional departments as well as leaders and teachers' representatives from theCollege of Physical Education participated in the accompanying and attended the symposium.

The delegation went to the first sports field of the university to watch the Hainan University Football Championship, visited the exhibition board of theCollege of Physical Education, the wall of honour and listened to the introduction of the achievements of thecollege in sports events in the past years, and watched the promotional film of theCollege of Physical Education. Afterwards, the two sides had a discussion on matters related to promoting the establishment of the "China-ASEAN Sports Culture Development Alliance".

At the symposium, Vice President Liang Mou delivered a concluding speech. He pointed out that, firstly, this symposium was very successful, both sides had extensive exchanges, and also achieved very good results. -Thirdly, we hope that the relevant functional departments and colleges of the university will further refine the plan according to the opinions of the ambassadors and the requirements of the university, and submit it to the university for study and implementation as soon as possible. Finally, Vice President Liang Mou expressed his wish for long-lasting friendship between China and ASEAN countries, and welcomed the ambassadors and delegation members from ASEAN countries to visit again!

The symposium was hosted by Chen Weidong, Secretary of the Party General Branch of theCollege of Physical Education, who delivered a welcome speech on behalf of theCollege of Physical Education and introduced theCollege's situation in terms of its philosophy, faculty, disciplines, specialties, education and teaching, honours achieved and future prospects. On behalf of thecollege, Professor Li Xiu from theCollege of Physical Education introduced the specific work plan of initiating the establishment of the China-ASEAN Sports Culture Development Alliance, and put forward thecollege's hope that through the establishment of the Sports Culture Development Alliance, thecollege would share quality project resources, expand sports talent training, build an international sports culture exchange brand, build a platform for sports experts and elites to attract wisdom, and create a platform for scientific research, etc. Thecollege's vision is to establish a sports culture development alliance.

All members of the delegation highly affirmed the importance of establishing the China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance and expressed their hope that through the establishment of the Sports and Culture Development Alliance, exchanges and cooperation between the members of the Alliance and Hainan University in ASEAN countries would be further enhanced, ultimately achieving peace and cooperation, openness and tolerance, mutual learning and mutual benefit.

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