Ministry of Education|Ministry of Education on the Issuance of "Promoting the Construction of "One Belt, One Road"Education Action


Promote the "One Belt, One Road" education initiative

Promoting the joint construction of "Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" (hereinafter referred to as "Belt and Road") provides a great opportunity to promote regional education opening, exchange and integration. It provides a great opportunity to promote regional education opening, exchange and integration. "Strengthening cooperation and joint action in education in countries along the Belt and Road is not only an important part of building the Belt and Road together, but also provides human resources support for building the Belt and Road together. China is willing to work with countries along the route to expand humanities exchanges, strengthen talent training, and jointly create a better future for education.

I. Mission of Education

Education is the foundation of national prosperity, national prosperity and people's happiness, and has a fundamental and pioneering role in building the "Belt and Road" together. Education exchange builds bridges for people-to-people exchanges among countries along the route, and talent training provides support for policy communication, facility connection, trade flow and capital integration among countries along the route. As the countries along the route are interdependent, education exchanges have a long history and there is a great prospect for education cooperation, so it is a great cause to benefit the people of the countries along the route to join hands in developing education and jointly promote the "Belt and Road".

China will consistently adhere to the opening up of education to the outside world and deeply integrate into the world trend of education reform and development. To promote the common prosperity of education along the "Belt and Road" is not only a need to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in education with other countries along the route, but also a need to promote China's education reform and development, and China is willing to assume more responsibilities and obligations within its capacity and make greater contributions to the development of regional education.

II. Cooperation Vision

Countries along the route should join hands to enhance understanding, expand openness, strengthen cooperation, learn from each other, seek common interests, face common destiny and shoulder common responsibilities, work together to build the "Belt and Road" education community, form an equal, inclusive, mutually beneficial and active education cooperation, promote regional education development, and fully support the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". The "One Belt, One Road", and jointly work to

Promote people-to-people exchanges. Carry out humanities exchanges on a larger scale, at a higher level and at a deeper level, and continuously promote people-to-people exchanges in countries along the route.

Provide talent support. Cultivate a large number of talents urgently needed for the construction of the "Belt and Road", and support countries along the route to achieve policy interoperability, facility connectivity, smooth trade and capital integration.

Realize common development. Promote in-depth cooperation in education, mutual learning and mutual understanding, join hands to promote the development of education in countries along the route, and enhance the overall influence of regional education.

III. Principles of Cooperation

Educate people, humanities first. Strengthen cooperation in educating people, improve the quality of the regional population, and provide talent support for the joint construction of "One Belt, One Road". Insist on humanities exchange first, establish regional humanities exchange mechanism, and build a bridge of people-to-people communication.

Government-led, private sector. Governments of countries along the route should strengthen communication and coordination, integrate various resources, and guide the development of education integration. Play the main role of schools, enterprises and other social forces to activate the situation of education cooperation and enrich the content of education exchanges.

Jointly discuss and build, open up and cooperate. We insist on joint discussion, joint construction and sharing among countries along the route, promote the mutual convergence of education development plans in each country, and realize the integrated and interactive development of education in countries along the route.

Harmony and tolerance, mutual benefit and win-win. Strengthen the dialogue among different civilizations, seek the best fit for education development and the biggest convention for education cooperation, and promote mutual benefits in the field of education for all countries along the route.

IV. Cooperation Focus

Countries along the route have distinctive educational characteristics, rich resources, strong complementarity and huge space for cooperation. China will take basic, supportive and leading initiatives as the proposed framework and carry out key cooperation in three areas to dovetail with the wishes of countries along the route, learn from each other's advanced education experiences, share high-quality education resources, and comprehensively promote the accelerated development of education in each country.

(1) Cooperation in education connectivity

Strengthen education policy communication, facilitate the smooth flow of education cooperation channels, promote language interchange among the countries along the route, promote people-to-people exchanges among the countries along the route, and promote the connection of academic degree certification standards.

(2) Develop cooperation in personnel training

The implementation of the "Silk Road" study abroad promotion plan, the implementation of the "Silk Road" cooperative education promotion plan, the implementation of the "Silk Road" teacher training promotion plan, the implementation of "Silk Road" joint training of personnel to promote the plan.

(3) to build a Silk Road cooperation mechanism

Strengthen the "Silk Road" humanities exchanges high-level consultations, give full play to the role of international cooperation platforms, the implementation of the "Silk Road" education assistance program, the "Silk Road Golden Camel Golden Sail" recognition Work.

V. China's Education in Action

Strengthen coordination and promotion. Strengthen the coordination of various departments and localities in China to carry out education cooperation and exchange on the "Belt and Road" in an orderly manner. Promote the improvement of China's education governance system, the revision of relevant laws and regulations, and comprehensive education reform, so as to improve the quality and level of China's education initiatives on the "Belt and Road".

Focus on local promotion. Localities are required to make use of their regional advantages and local characteristics to formulate action plans for local education and economy to go out together and closely match the overall national layout. Orderly with the local governments of countries along the route to establish "friendly provinces and states" "sister city" relations, do a good job of humanities exchanges between each other.

Schools at all levels move forward in an orderly manner. Adhering to the Chinese tradition of "standing up for oneself and standing up for others", schools at all levels will expand cooperation and exchange with schools along the route in an orderly manner, integrate high-quality resources to go out, select high-quality resources to come in, be inclusive and learn from each other, and jointly improve the level of internationalization of education and serve to build the "Belt and Road" together. The ability of "One Belt, One Road". Primary and secondary schools should widely establish inter-school cooperation and exchange relationships, focusing on teacher and student exchanges, teacher training and education for international understanding. Higher education institutions and vocational colleges should base on their respective development strategies and the region's participation in the plan to build the "Belt and Road", and carry out various forms of cooperation and exchanges with countries along the route, focusing on improving the modern university system, innovating the talent training model, improving the quality of study in China, optimizing the cooperation of overseas education, and promoting the growth of enterprises and other work of synergy. Development.

Social forces follow the trend. We will carry out a greater scope, deeper level and higher level of private cooperation and exchange in education on the Belt and Road, and absorb more private wisdom, private power, private solutions and private actions. Vigorously cultivate and develop non-profit organizations in China, strongly support social institutions and professional organizations to join the cause of education opening up to the outside world through purchasing services, market deployment and other initiatives, and activate private education international cooperation and exchange. Accelerate the pace of promoting teaching instruments and Chinese medical treatment services to go abroad, and support enterprises and individuals to participate in Sino-foreign cooperative education, cooperative scientific research, foreign-related services and other educational opening activities in accordance with market rules. Enterprises should actively cooperate with schools to go out, jointly carry out personnel training, scientific and technological innovation and transformation of results, and actively serve the "Belt and Road" countries' economic and trade development.

Help to form early results. In 2016, provinces and cities formulated and submitted local "One Belt, One Road" education action plans to promote education interconnection, talent training and Silk Road cooperation mechanisms in an orderly manner. In 2017, joint education initiatives based on three key areas of cooperation among countries along the route were carried out in depth. In the next three years, China will send 2,500 students each year to study abroad in the countries along the route; in the next five years, 10 overseas science and education bases will be built, and 10,000 new students from the countries along the route will be sponsored to study or train in China each year.

Creating a better future for education together

If you travel alone, you can travel far. Cooperation and exchange is the main way for the countries along the route to build the "Belt and Road" education community together. It is our common wish to cultivate high-quality talents, promote economic and social development, and improve the well-being of people along the route through education cooperation and exchange. It is our common responsibility to expand humanistic exchanges through education cooperation and exchanges, and to build a firm foundation for regional peace.

China is willing to work with countries along the route, uphold the concept of open cooperation and mutual benefit, jointly build a diversified education cooperation mechanism, formulate a timetable and roadmap, promote a flexible cooperation process, create exemplary cooperation projects, meet the development needs of all parties, and promote common development.

The Ministry of Education of China advocates that countries along the route should take active actions to strengthen strategic planning and policy consultation, explore mechanisms and modes of education cooperation and exchange, enhance the breadth and depth of education cooperation and exchange, pursue the quality and efficiency of education cooperation and exchange, mutual knowledge and trust, mutual help and mutual learning, join hands to promote education development, promote people-to-people exchanges, and build the "Belt and Road" education community. To build a "Belt and Road" education community and create a new chapter for a better life of mankind.

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