Ministry of Education|Promote the Green Development of "One Belt and One Road" Together


In 2030, the "One Belt, One Road" green development pattern is basically formed

Since the "Belt and Road" initiative was proposed, especially in the past five years since General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the construction of the Green Silk Road, positive progress has been made in the green development of the "Belt and Road", the concept of leadership has been enhanced, the exchange mechanism has been improved, practical cooperation has been Deepening, China has become an important participant, contributor and leader in the construction of global ecological civilization.

At the same time, the risks and challenges facing the green development of the "Belt and Road" are still prominent, the level of international cooperation in ecological and environmental protection needs to be improved, and the constraints in addressing climate change are more stringent.

In order to further promote the "Belt and Road" green development, "Opinions" set the main goal: By 2025, the "Belt and Road" green development.

By 2025, the "Belt and Road" ecological and environmental protection and climate change international exchange and cooperation continue to deepen, the Green Silk Road concept recognized by all parties, green infrastructure, green energy, green transportation, green finance and other areas of practical cooperation to promote solid, green demonstration projects to lead the role of more obvious, overseas projects to prevent environmental risks The capacity of the "Belt and Road" green development has been significantly improved, and obvious results have been achieved.

By 2030, the green development concept of "One Belt, One Road" will be more deeply rooted in people's hearts, the green development partnership will be closer, the green development capability of enterprises going abroad will be significantly enhanced, the environmental risk prevention and control system of overseas projects will be more perfect, and the green development of "One Belt, One Road" will be more effective. The green development pattern of "One Belt, One Road" has basically taken shape.

15 specific tasks, covering infrastructure connectivity, energy, transportation and other key areas

In order to make green effectively become the color of "One Belt and One Road", the "Opinions" focus on promoting cooperation in key areas of green development, promoting green development of overseas projects, and improving the green development support and guarantee system in three sectors, and put forward 15 specific tasks, covering green infrastructure interconnection, green energy, green transportation, green industry The project will cover green infrastructure interconnection, green energy, green transportation, green industry, green trade, green finance, green technology, green standards, climate change and other key areas.

Deepen policy communication and jointly address global environmental challenges. The Opinions proposed to actively participate in the development of international green standards and strengthen the docking of green standards with the countries that jointly build the "Belt and Road". Promote the full implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its "Paris Agreement", actively seek the "maximum convention" with the "Belt and Road" countries to address climate change, and promote the establishment of a fair and reasonable, win-win cooperation in the global climate governance system.

"Opinions" clearly, completely stop new overseas coal power projects, and prudently promote the construction of overseas coal power projects. Promoting the green and low-carbon development of completed overseas coal power projects, encouraging relevant enterprises to strengthen the clean and efficient use of coal, adopt advanced technologies such as efficient desulfurization, denitrification, dust removal and carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage, and upgrade energy-saving and environmental protection facilities, distinctly demonstrating to the international community China's firm determination to address the global challenge of climate change." Zhang Yujun, Party Secretary and Director of the Center for Foreign Cooperation and Exchange of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said.

Focus on key areas and accelerate interconnection. The Opinions proposed to guide enterprises to promote green and environmental standards and best practices for infrastructure, reasonably select sites and routes at the design stage, and reduce the impact on various protected areas and ecologically sensitive and fragile areas; deepen cooperation in the field of energy technology and equipment, promote new energy and clean energy vehicles and vessels and other energy-saving and low-carbon transportation, and promote intelligent transportation China solutions; encourage enterprises to participate in overseas railroad electrification and upgrading projects, consolidate Stabilize and enhance the good development trend of China-EU trains, and develop multimodal transportation and green logistics.

Promote green investment and optimize trade structure. The Opinions encourage enterprises to carry out investment cooperation in new energy industries, new energy automobile manufacturing and other fields; encourage solar power generation, wind power and other enterprises to "go global" and promote the completion of a number of green energy best practice projects; encourage enterprises to set up equity investment funds focusing on green and low-carbon fields outside of China, and flexibly carry out green industry investment cooperation through a variety of ways; vigorously develop high-quality, high-grade, high-volume and high-capacity investment funds. Encourage enterprises to set up equity investment funds focusing on green and low-carbon fields overseas, and flexibly carry out investment and cooperation in green industries in various ways; vigorously develop trade in high-quality, high-tech and high-value-added green products; and strengthen the import and export of energy-saving and environmental protection products and services.

"Opinions" to enhance the degree of green in industrial cooperation, to promote the common construction of 'one belt and one road' countries to green economic transformation, but also to strengthen the green supply chain international cooperation and demonstration, and significantly improve the green production, green procurement and green consumption of the whole life cycle of green trade. " Zhang Jidong believes.

Regulate corporate behavior and strengthen responsibility. "Opinions" proposed to compact the main responsibility for the environmental behavior of enterprises outside the country, guiding enterprises to strictly comply with the host country ecological and environmental protection-related laws and regulations and standards and norms, attach great importance to the local people's green development and ecological and environmental protection demands. Encourage enterprises to carry out environmental protection work with reference to international standards or higher standards in China. Encourage enterprises to publish environmental reports regularly.

Strictly prevent and control the overseas disorderly competition of enterprises and guide them to improve their awareness of environmental risks

Promote the construction of "one belt and one road" green development, need to have a series of policy support guarantee. "Opinions" focused, precise, to coordinate the promotion of 'one belt and one road' green development has pointed out the key direction." Zhang Yujun said that the "Opinions" take into account economic development and ecological environmental protection, government guidance and the role of the main body of enterprises, risk prevention and control and cooperation in accordance with the law, emphasizing the integration of green low-carbon concept into the whole process of economic and social development in all areas, for the co-construction of the countries to learn from each other, work together to pragmatically promote the construction of "one belt and one road" green development The key direction has been pointed out to go deeper and more stable.

Improve the financial support guarantee. The "Opinions" put forward, orderly promote the two-way opening of the green financial market, encourage financial institutions and related enterprises to carry out green financing in the international market, support international financial organizations and multinational corporations to issue green bonds in the territory, green investment.

Improve the cooperation platform to support the security. The "Opinions" put forward, actively build a "Belt and Road" green development policy dialogue and communication platform, strengthen the "Belt and Road" ecological and environmental protection big data service platform construction, play the "Belt and Road "Energy Partnership," "Belt and Road" Sustainable Cities Alliance and other cooperation platforms, the establishment of a diverse exchange and cooperation platform.

Improve the capacity building support guarantee. The "Opinions" put forward, the implementation of the Green Silk Road messenger program, strengthen the interaction of environmental management personnel and professional and technical personnel, to carry out the "Belt and Road" green development training, and improve the support for the construction of the "Belt and Road" green development of human resources. Build a new think tank for the Green Silk Road and construct an intellectual support system for the green development of the "Belt and Road".

The implementation of projects outside the country, but also to firmly establish a sense of risk. The "Opinions" is clear, adhere to the critical land not to go, chaotic land not to go, strict prevention and strict control of enterprises overseas disorderly competition. Guide enterprises to raise awareness of environmental risks, strengthen the environmental management of overseas projects, do a good job of environmental impact assessment of overseas projects before investment and construction, timely identification and prevention of environmental risks, and take effective ecological and environmental protection measures.

Zhang Yujun said, the next step, the ecological environment department will implement the "Opinions" as the main grasp, improve the "Belt and Road" multilateral international cooperation platform construction, focus on key areas, strengthen dialogue and exchange, technical cooperation and support capacity building, strengthen the project environmental risk prevention and control, provide green solutions, for the common construction of national green low-carbon development We will contribute more Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions.

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