Ministry of Education|Hainan Education System Actively Serves "One Belt, One Road"


Establish special scholarships for international students. Based on the original government scholarships for international students, the provincial government has set up special scholarships for international students along the Belt and Road, and universities have set up university-level scholarships to improve the three-tier international student scholarship system. Gradually increase the support of government scholarships, and increase the number of scholarships for students from countries along the "Belt and Road" year by year, and arrange the provincial government scholarships for international students to reach 10 million yuan in 2017, and recruit more than 200 new international students.

Build special cooperation and exchange platform.Using the "Boao Forum for Asia" public diplomacy platform to hold educational exchange activities, support Hainan University and the Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia, the University of Micronesia to build two new Confucius Institute. Use China-ASEAN education training center, education aid training base and Southeast Asia Chinese teacher training base, for "one belt and one road" along the countries to carry out tourism, tropical agriculture, marine, tropical disease prevention and control and other aspects of management and professional and technical personnel training.

Increase international cooperation in schooling. Coordinated planning and construction of Hainan Education International Park, to attract "one belt and one road" along the countries of high level, high level universities to Hainan to carry out cooperative education. Encourage Hainan colleges and universities and "one belt and one road" along the relevant institutions of the countries to jointly carry out scientific research project declaration, joint laboratory, increase the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and use. Strengthen the cooperation between provincial universities and Southeast Asian countries in the cultivation of small language talents, further increase the setting of small language majors on the basis of the existing 8 small languages, promote the construction of professional courses, the introduction of foreign teachers, the construction of foreign internship bases and the exchange of students.

Build "sea silk road" humanities exchange mechanism. Hainan location, the environment and the advantages of overseas Chinese, with ASEAN countries, friendship cities to establish a standing mechanism for youth humanities exchanges. To carry out university and secondary school twinning, building friendly schools, close teacher and student exchanges, organizing students to carry out cultural, sports and scientific and technological innovation exchanges, through the winter, summer camps and other ways to organize the "sea silk road" countries youth to Hainan study tour.

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