Ministry of Education|China's Education Initiative on “One Belt, One Road”


China's educational services will follow whatever talents are needed by the countries along the route

Farham, from Pakistan, was awarded a scholarship by the Chinese government to study at Beijing Institute of Technology. Under the patient guidance of his supervisor Cao Chuanbao, Farham has published the most high-level articles compared to other labmates who came to China with him.

Promoting study abroad and cultivating talents is one of the important elements of the "Belt and Road" education initiative. Xu Tao, director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Ministry of Education, said that on the one hand, the Ministry of Education has vigorously implemented the Action Plan for Study Abroad, selecting 226 talents for country and regional studies to 34 countries and sending 908 talents involving 37 non-common languages for training and further study abroad last year; on the other hand, it has established the Excellence Scholarship Program to train young elites from developing countries and set up the "Silk Road The "Silk Road" Chinese government scholarship program provides a total of no less than 3,000 additional scholarship places to countries along the route each year.

Dovetailing with the development strategies and talent needs of countries along the "Belt and Road", relevant key provinces and universities have taken the initiative to cooperate with countries along the "Belt and Road" to carry out international student programs.

In June this year, the Monet Railway, which connects the port of Mombasa, the largest port in East Africa, and Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, will soon be in operation. This railroad is the first new railroad built in Kenya in the past hundred years, and it is fully funded by China, with Chinese standards, Chinese technology and Chinese equipment.

After the completion of the railroad, operation, maintenance and management of professionals from where to come? China Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd, which is responsible for the construction of the railroad, has decided to start a project for foreign students in Kenya in cooperation with Beijing Jiaotong University. Since last year, two batches of 60 Kenyan students came to Beijing Jiaotong University and started a four-and-a-half-year study.

Similar to BJTU's practice of actively integrating into the "Belt and Road" initiative with its own advantages, relevant provinces have taken advantage of their own location and resources to launch their own unique "Belt and Road" education initiatives.

Shaanxi clearly increased the amount of the "Three Qin Foreign Students Scholarship" from 4.5 million yuan to 15 million yuan per year, and increased the inclination to countries along the "Belt and Road". Guangxi enrolled 9,061 foreign students from ASEAN countries in 2016, becoming one of the provinces with the largest number of foreign students from ASEAN countries in China. Hainan universities have made efforts to tap their own advantages and trained more than 500 officials and technicians in tropical agriculture, marine, food, tourism and economy for ASEAN countries, sent 1,000 volunteer Chinese teachers to ASEAN countries and trained 2,000 local Chinese teachers for ASEAN countries.

Where the industry is, the tentacles of education cooperation will extend to it

Although it is not the first time for Mangesh Bashir Ahmed to come to China, the 3-week systematic study in Shanghai Electric Power Institute for the first time as a "student" has made the director of Bangladesh National Energy Development Commission feel excited: "Our country is currently very short of electricity, and by 2021 By 2021, we will build 8 thermal power stations to double the national power generation capacity, and cooperation with China is our first choice, and learning from China is a must for us."

In order to actively serve the "Belt and Road", in recent years, relevant key provinces and universities have expanded the scale and level of Sino-foreign cooperative education, increasing the number of international students and the number of countries covered. Shanghai Electric Power University, for example, has a stable student population of more than 500 in its international cooperative education ("2+2" model), and has also opened a master's dual-degree international cooperation training model with Germany.

Gansu give full play to Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in teaching and research, personnel training, cultural heritage and other aspects of characteristic advantages, and vigorously promote the Silk Road countries along the Chinese medicine "go out". At present, Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has set up 8 "QI Huang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and 4 TCM centers in cooperation with universities in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, France, Moldova, Hungary, Madagascar and New Zealand.

Guangxi colleges and universities further promote cooperation projects with institutions in ASEAN countries. Up to now, there are more than 70 cooperation projects between Guangxi universities and institutions in ASEAN countries.

In order to promote the cooperation of universities along the route in education, science and technology, culture and other fields, Xi'an Jiaotong University has taken the lead in forming the "Silk Road University Alliance", which has attracted 135 universities from 35 countries and regions to join. Members of the "Belt and Road" University Alliance initiated by Lanzhou University have increased from 47 universities in 8 countries to 126 universities in 25 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and America.

This is an unprecedented scale of international education cooperation!

Even Heilongjiang province, far away from the northeast, is not willing to lag behind. in 1996, Heilongjiang colleges and universities took the lead in the country to carry out sectional cooperative education, which was fully spread in 2002. At present, 10 universities in the province have cooperated with 10 Russian universities to hold 22 projects, involving 17 majors and an annual enrollment of 1,590 students. Heilongjiang has become the province with the most projects and larger enrollment to Russia.

The reporter learned from the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Ministry of Education that, as of now, there are 2,539 approved Sino-foreign cooperative schools of various types, including 1,248 at the undergraduate level and above, and 928 at the senior high school level. A number of exemplary high-level Sino-foreign cooperative schooling projects have landed, including 15 Sino-foreign cooperative schooling institutions such as Shenzhen North University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University Edinburgh Joint College.

In addition, overseas schooling is also being steadily promoted. Up to last year, our universities have held 4 institutions and 98 school projects outside China, most of which are located along the "Belt and Road".

The purpose of cooperative education is to achieve interconnection. One of the most crucial parts is to achieve mutual recognition of academic degrees. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has actively strengthened education policy communication with countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", and signed mutual recognition agreements of academic degrees with 46 countries and regions, including 24 countries along the "Belt and Road".

Where there are exchanges and exchanges, there are language learning services

In Bangkok, Thailand, there are many Thai language signboards mixed with Chinese language signboards on Rasa Chuan Pisak Road in Huihuang District. With the rapid development of education and humanistic exchanges along the Belt and Road, the "China fever" and "Chinese fever" have been rising.

In fact, China has launched a series of educational initiatives to meet the urgent demand for language learning for the connectivity of countries and regions along the route.

--On the one hand, the Ministry of Education signed a cooperation agreement with Beijing Foreign Studies University to support the university in introducing foreign teachers, sending students to study abroad and cooperating with foreign universities, so that the number of foreign language majors offered by the university will reach 94 in 2018, achieving full coverage of foreign language majors; Yunnan University for Nationalities has taken the initiative to integrate into the national Yunnan University for Nationalities has taken the initiative to integrate into the national "One Belt and One Road" construction, taking the lead in opening all 15 language majors in South and Southeast Asian countries among comprehensive institutions in China; Xi'an University of Foreign Studies has opened 14 languages such as Urdu and Polish in countries along the "One Belt and One Road", and plans to achieve full coverage of languages in major countries along the route by 2020. The university plans to achieve full language coverage of major countries along the Belt and Road by 2020.

--On the other hand, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Yunnan and other provinces have given full play to their unique location advantages to increase the opening of education to the outside world, especially the international education and promotion of Chinese language.

By the end of 2016, Xinjiang universities have built 10 Confucius Institutes in six countries, including Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Mongolia, with 25 Confucius Classrooms and nearly 100 teaching points, the total number of registered students has reached more than 36,000, and nearly 100,000 people have participated in Chinese language learning and cultural experience activities.

Xinjiang colleges and universities have set up autonomous region level Chinese language centers in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan colleges and universities one after another, as a backup for cultivating Confucius Institutes. At present, five Chinese language centers funded by the Central Asia Base for the International Promotion of Chinese Language of the Regional Education Department have been developed into Confucius Institutes.

The "Chinese Bridge" series of Chinese competitions is a large-scale international Chinese language competition organized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters/China Hanban, and since 2012, the "Chinese Bridge" has been held in Yunnan for five consecutive years, with more than 2,000 secondary school students and leaders from more than 90 countries. More than 2,000 secondary school students and teachers from more than 90 countries have participated in the competition.

Friendship between nations lies in friendship between people. In addition to understanding each other's languages, it is also important to promote people-to-people contact. Education is playing an increasingly important role in promoting people-to-people exchanges with countries along the Belt and Road, both as an adhesive, catalyst and lubricant, and as a "silent" humanistic exchange.

The education department has focused on organizing country and regional studies to comprehensively strengthen the understanding of the economic, political, educational and cultural aspects of the countries along the route and provide intellectual support to promote people-to-people exchanges. Liu Jianqing, Director of Policy Planning Department, Department of International Cooperation and Exchange, Ministry of Education, said that among the 141 special research topics released by the Ministry of Education, 70 of them involve 46 countries along the "Belt and Road", and at the same time, the Ministry has set up a "Belt and Road" research project on countries along the "Belt and Road". The Ministry of Education has also set up a think tank report covering 66 countries along the Belt and Road.

In promoting people-to-people relations, the geographical advantage cannot be ignored. Inner Mongolia education system to strengthen cooperation and exchange with Mongolia and Russia and other countries along the "Belt and Road" in the field of education, improve the cooperation mechanism with Russia and Mongolia, strengthen the Russian and Mongolian education system, law, policy, language, Mongolian medicine and other fields of research. Ningxia focus on strengthening exchanges and cooperation with Arab countries and countries along the "Silk Road" in the field of education, actively carry out research on each other's language, culture, economy, society and other aspects, actively carry out research cooperation in the field of natural sciences, and strengthen the construction of Sino-Arab think tanks.

Xu Tao said, in the future, relying on the key provinces of the "provincial ministries to build", will become "one belt and one road" education action an important grasp. Last year, the Ministry of Education has completed the signing of eight provinces and regions, this year, the Ministry of Education to further complete the contract with five provinces and one city, basically to achieve full coverage of the contract with the main node provinces, the basic formation of provincial ministries to promote the "Belt and Road" education initiative network.

It is conceivable that with the "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit, the pace of internationalization of Chinese education will be further accelerated, and it is expected to provide richer public products of education for the development of countries and regions along the route.

(Source: China Education News)

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