B&R Topic|The second workshop on tropical agricultural economic management for officials of the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries started successfully


On the morning of September 16, 2019, the opening ceremony of the second workshop on tropical agricultural economic management for officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia, hosted by the College of Management of Hainan University, was held in the multi-functional lecture hall of Siyuan Hall of Hainan University. The opening ceremony was attended by Sam Sovann, State Councillor of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia, Huang Wanda, Consul General of the Royal Consulate General of Cambodia in Haikou, Zhang Chao, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Department of the Hainan Provincial Department of Education, Ye Jianwen, Deputy Director of the Foreign Economic Investment and Economic Cooperation Department of the Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce, Luo Qingming, President of Hainan University, Xing Guchuan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Management, Xu Nengrui and Zhang Desheng, Vice President of Hainan University, and Ye Guangliang, Vice President of Hainan University presided over.

This workshop will focus on the theme of "China-Cambodia Agricultural Trade and Policy" for management officials from the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and its three main agricultural universities. The participants will live and study in Hainan for 12 days, listening to lectures by experts on tropical agricultural economic management, Sino-Cambodian agricultural trade policy, Sino-Cambodian agricultural cooperation and other topics, visiting the Chinese tropical agricultural industry, science and education, and discussing Sino-Cambodian cooperation in tropical agricultural science and education.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, State Councillor Sam Sovann of the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said that this workshop will not only enable the participants of the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to learn more about agricultural research, education and other fields, but also strengthen the friendly cooperation between Cambodia and China. Hainan University and Royal Cambodian University of Agriculture have already established a foundation of cooperation, and the Royal Cambodian University of Agriculture has set up a Chinese language learning centre, which has made a great contribution to promoting scientific research cooperation between the two countries and enhancing cultural exchanges between them.

President Luo Qingming warmly congratulated the opening of the workshop and introduced Hainan University as a university with a good tradition of open schooling. He said that in recent years, the university has attached great importance to internationalisation, made full use of the platform, actively expanded inter-university cooperation and exchange channels, and built a new pattern of "all-round, multi-level, broad field" international cooperation and exchange. He expressed his hope that further efforts would be made to promote people-to-people contact between Hainan Province and Cambodia, strengthen people-to-people friendship and enhance mutual understanding and traditional friendship.

It is reported that Hainan University and the Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia have cooperated mutually beneficially to establish a Chinese Language Learning Centre at the Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia. The centre is dedicated to providing training to relevant professionals in the field of agriculture through short and long-term training courses, as well as teaching Chinese to Cambodian officials and students, promoting cooperation in scientific research, scholarship funding, student exchange and cultural exchange between the two countries. In 2018 and 2019, the Centre has successfully organised two courses on "Processing and Packaging Technology for Tropical Agricultural Products in Cambodia" for participants from the Royal Cambodian University of Agriculture, the National College of Agriculture in Prey Reap, the University of Agriculture in Kampong Cham, the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, commune level propaganda officials, district reform councilors, Cambodian agricultural development and scientific researchers, etc. In September 2019, the Centre organised the "Second Workshop on Tropical Agricultural Economic Management for Officials from the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" at Hainan University, with participants from the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The workshop has been held for two times, with 40 participants. The Chinese Language Centre has gradually developed into a platform for Cambodian people to learn Chinese, playing a role in Sino-Cambodian cooperation in scientific research, joint training of postgraduate students, cultural exchange, practical technology promotion and social services.

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