B&R Topic|Hainan University and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia signed a memorandum of understanding on inter-university cooperation and exchange


In order to serve the internationalisation of Hainan University and the construction of first-class tourism management disciplines, Hainan University has actively explored cross-border education, vigorously "bringing in" and actively "going out" at the same time. On 22 December 2019, Guo Qiang, Dean of the College of Tourism, and Johan Afendi Ibrahim, Dean of the College of Tourism, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Inter-University Friendship between Hainan University, China and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ("MOU"). The ceremony was hosted by Vice President He Biao of the College of Tourism, and was attended by Yang Zhixin, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Hainan University, Han Liguang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Tourism (presiding over the Party Committee), Xie Xiangxiang, Vice President of the College of Tourism, Zhou Hongxia, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of the College of Tourism, and Chen Xiaoli, Assistant of the College of Tourism.

President Guo Qiang firstly welcomed Johan Afendi Ibrahim, the representative of the University of Northern Malaysia, and expressed his hope that both institutions would strengthen their interaction and seek more opportunities for cooperation. He hoped that in the future he could invite teachers from Hainan University to actively participate in the activities of the University of Northern Malaysia and to develop more cooperation projects with the support of the governments of both sides. Afterwards, Director Yang Zhixin introduced the cooperation between Hainan University and Malaysian universities and hoped that UPM would develop a deeper and multi-disciplinary cooperation with Hainan University in the future.

At the end, a signing ceremony was held and Dean Guo Qiang presented a gift to Dean Johan Afendi Ibrahim on behalf of the University and took a group photo.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, located in the town of Sun Tuk, Kupang Pasir, Kedah, Malaysia, is recognised worldwide as a vibrant and dynamic public institution of higher education, established to establish Malaysia as a centre for teaching and research in management and other related fields. UPM has made significant achievements in the areas of information communication, management technology and quality management, contributing significantly to the Malaysian economy. 2020 World QS University Rankings 591-600.

Fig. 1 President Guo Qiang gives a welcome speech

Fig. 2 Speech by Dr. Johan Afendi Ibrahim, Dean, College of Tourism, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Fig. 3 Speech by Yang Zhixin, Director of International Cooperation and Exchange

Fig. 4 Site of the signing ceremony

Fig. 5 Gift giving session

Fig. 6 Group photo

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