邮 箱:183237@hainanu.edu.cn
2008.09 - 2012.06 海南大学 环境科学 理学学士
2012.09 - 2015.06 海南大学 环境工程 工学硕士
2015.12 - 2020.01 法国图卢兹国立应用科学学院 过程与环境工程 工学博士
2022.03 - 至今,海南大学,生态与环境学院,讲师
2020.01 - 2022.02,海南大学,生态与环境学院,博士后
1. 海南大学引进人才启动基金,在研,主持;
2. 海南省科技厅,高层次人才项目,421RC484,红树根系分泌物对微塑料与苯并[α]芘的微界面作用的影响机制,2021~2024,8万元,在研,主持;
3. 海南省人才发展局,博士后项目资助,红树林系统中微塑料与菲的相互作用机制研究,2020~2021,13万元,结题,主持;
4. 海南大学,重点实验室开放基金,红树林系统中微塑料与多环芳烃相互作用机制研究,2020~2021,2万元,结题,主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金委,2206060025,热带设施蔬菜地中微塑料的老化效应及其对抗生素归趋行为的影响,2021~2024,40万元,在研,参与。
1. Hui Deng*, Qianqian Fu, Dazhen Li, Yuqing Zhang, Jianxiong He, Dan Feng, Yuanyuan Zhao, Gan Du, Huamei Yu, Chengjun Ge#. Microplastic-associated biofilm in an intensive mariculture pond: temporal dynamics of microbial communities, extracellular polymeric substances and impacts on microplastics properties. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 319, 128774. (中科院1区TOP,IF2021= 9.297);
2. Hui Deng*; Jianxiong He; Dan Feng; Yuanyuan Zhao; Wei Sun; Huamwi Yu; Chengjun Ge#. Microplastics Pollution in Mangrove Ecosystems: A Critical Review of Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 753, 142041. (中科院1区TOP,IF20211= 7.963,高被引论文);
3. Hui Deng*#; Ozonation mechanism of carbamazepine and ketoprofen in RO concentrate from municipal wastewater treatment: Kinetic regimes, removal efficiency and matrix effect, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 717, 137150. (中科院1区TOP,IF2021= 7.963);
4. Hui Deng*#; A review on the application of ozonation to NF/RO concentrate for municipal wastewater reclamation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 391, 122071. (中科院1区TOP,IF2021= 10.588);
5. Hui Deng*, Matthieu Jacob, Manon Montaner, Jean-Stéphane Pic, Christelle Guigui#. Reverse osmosis performance in MBR-RO process with recirculation of RO concentrate to MBR for water reclamation. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2020, 12: 800-824.
6. Hui Deng*, Dan Feng, Jian-xiong He, Fang-ze Li, Hua-mei Yu, Cheng-jun Ge#. Influence of Biochar Amendments to Soil on The Mobility of Atrazine Using Sorption-Desorption and Soil Thin-Layer Chromatography. Ecological Engineering, 2017,99,381-390. (中科院2区,IF2021= 4.035);
7. Hui Deng*, Huamei Yu, Miao Chen, Chengjun Ge#. Sorption of Atrazine in Tropical Soil by Biochar Prepared from Cassava Waste. Bioresources, 2014, 9(4): 6627-6643. (中科院3区,IF2021= 1.614);
8. 章宇晴, 李大圳, 付茜茜, 冯丹, 赵媛媛, 俞花美, 邓惠#, 葛成军#. 水环境中微塑料表面细菌群落特征研究进展[J]. 生态毒理学报, 2022.
9. 李大圳, 章宇晴, 付茜茜, 冯丹, 赵媛媛, 俞花美, 邓惠#, 葛成军#.海洋环境暴露下微生物对微塑料的环境效应研究进展[J]. 生态毒理学报, 2022
10. Jean-Stéphane Pic, Hui Deng, Christelle Guigui. Impacts of water matrix on the efficiency of micropollutants elimination from urine by ozonation. International Conference of Ozone and Advanced Oxidation Leading-edge Science and Technologies. 2019. Conference paper;
11. Hui Deng, Hà Hoang, Jean-Stéphane Pic, Christelle Guigui. Combination of Membrane Processes and Ozonation for Source-Separated Urine Valorisation. 9th International Water Association. IWA-MTC, 2019. Conference paper;
12. Hui Deng, Christelle Guigui, Jean-Stéphane Pic. Ozonation Performance for Micropollutants Removal from Source-Separated Urine. IOA, 2018. Conference paper;