邮 箱:361189454@qq.com
1. 2005/9–2008/7, 中国科学院成都生物研究所, 植物学, 博士
2. 2002/9–2005/7, 华南热带农业大学, 作物遗传育种, 硕士
3. 1998/9–2002/7, 华南热带农业大学, 食品科学, 学士
学历:研究生; 学位:博士
1. 2020/07- 至今,海南大学,生态与环境学院,三级教授岗
2. 2017/12-2020.06,海南大学,生态与环境学院,教授岗
3. 2015/06-2017/11,海南大学,热带农林学院,副究员(D类,教授岗)
4. 2009/06-2015/05,中国科学院武汉植物园,生态中心,副研究员
5. 2008/07-2009/05,川北医学院,基础医学院,讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,32060240,水翁和乌墨对水淹、水淹后干旱耐受性机理的比较研究,2021/01-2024/12. 主持:苗灵凤。
2. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,31660165,海南省松涛水库消落区植被恢复适宜物种的筛选及耐水淹机制研究,2017/01-2020/12. 主持:杨帆。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31270449,美洲黑杨对冬季水淹及后期恢复的性别特异性响应,2013.01-2016.12. 主持:杨帆。
4. 海南省重点研发计划项目,ZDYF2022SHFAxxx,海南滨海红树林湿地生态系统退化驱动机制及植被恢复关键技术研究,2022.04-2024.04. 主持:杨帆。
5. 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目,320RC507,混交对橡胶树—降香黄檀植株生理生态适应及化学计量关系的影响,2020.12-2023.12. 主持:杨帆。
6. 海南自然科学基金高层次人才项目,421RC1033,水淹胁迫下水翁对水淹耐受性不同的邻间木本植物的生理生态作用机制研究,2021.12.23-2024.09.30. 主持:苗灵凤。
7. 海南自然科学基金青年基金项目,421QN192,干旱、施氮条件下降香黄檀幼苗对不同固氮生态位邻株的生理生态响应,2021.09-2024.06. 主持:向丽珊。
8. 海南自然科学基金面上项目,317052,提高降香黄檀干旱抗性的外源物质配方及作用机制研究,2017.01-2019.12. 主持:苗灵凤。
9. 海南大学D类人才科研启动项目,kyqd1573,海南松涛水库消落区生物治理关键技术研究, 2015.07-2020.07. 主持:杨帆。
1. Da-Dong Li, El-Hadji Malick Cisse, Lu-Yao Guo, Juan Zhang, Ling-Feng Miao@, Fan Yang@. Comparable and adaptable strategies to waterlogging stress regulated by adventitious roots between two contrasting species. Tree Physiology, 2022, 42: tap165 (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpab165.
2. El-Hadji Malick Cisse#, Li-Jia Zhang#, Yu-Jin Pu, Ling-Feng Miao@, Da-Dong Li, Juan Zhang, Fan Yang@. Exogenous Ca2+ associated with melatonin alleviates drought induced damage in the woody tree Dalbergia odorifera. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2022 (Online).
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-021-10449-5 .
3. El-Hadji Malick Cisse, Da-Dong Li, Juan Zhang, Lu-Yao Guo, Ling-Feng Miao@, Fan Yang@. Responses of woody plant Dalbergia odorifera treated with glycine betaine to drought and cold stresses: involvement of the alternative oxidase. Biologia Plantarum. 2022, 66: 56-66.
4. Li-Shan Xiang, Ling-Feng Miao, Fan Yang@. Neighbors, drought, and nitrogen application affect the root morphological plasticity of Dalbergia odorifera. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 650616.
5. Li-Shan Xiang, Ling-Feng Miao, Fan Yang@. Drought and nitrogen application modulate the morphological and physiological responses of Dalbergia odorifera to different niche neighbors. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 664122.
6. El-Hadji Malick Cisse, Ling-Feng Miao, Fan Yang@, Jin-Fu Huang, Da-Dong Li, Juan Zhang. Gly betaine surpassing melatonin to improve salt tolerance on Dalbergia odorifera. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 588847.
7. Yu-Jin Pu#, El-Hadji Malick Cisse#, Li-Jia Zhang, Ling-Feng Miao@, Nawaz Mohsin, Fan Yang@. Coupling exogenous melatonin with Ca2+ alleviated chilling stress in Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen. Trees-Strucuture and Function, 2021, 35(5): 1541-1554.
8. Li-Jia Zhang#, El-Hadji Malick Cisse#, Yu-Jin Pu, Ling-Feng Miao, Li-Shan Xiang, Wen Xu@, Fan Yang@. Potassium silicate combined with glycine betaine improved salt tolerance in Dalbergia odorifera. Biologia Plantarum. 2021, 65: 323-332.
9. Ling-Feng Miao, Da-Dong Li, Fan Yang@, Zheng-Hong Tan@. Sex-specific responses of Populus deltoides to combined salinity and calcium under waterlogging conditions. Biologia Plantarum, 2020, 64(1): 753-763.
10. Xiao-Hui Yue#, Ling-Feng Miao#, Fan Yang@, Nawaz Mohsin. Morphological and physiological responses of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen seedlings to different culture substances. PLoS One, 2020, 15(5): e0232051.
1. Fan Yang#, Chun-Yu Han#, Zhen Li, Yang-Nan Guo, Zhu-Long Chan@. Dissecting tissue- and species-specific responses of two Plantago species to waterlogging stress at physiological level. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2015, 109: 177-185.
2.Shi Haitao, Ye Tiantian, Yang Fan@, Chan Zhulong@. Arabidopsis PED2 positively modulates plant drought stress resistance. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2015, 57(9): 796-806.
3. Fan Yang@, Yong Wang@, Jie Wang, Wen-Qiang Deng, Liao Liao, Ming Li. 2011. Different eco-physiological responses between male and female Populus deltoides clones to waterlogging stress. Forest Ecology and Management, 262: 1963-1971.
4. Fan Yang @, Yong Wang, Ling-Feng Miao. 2010. Comparative physiological and proteomic responses to drought stress in two poplar species originating from different altitudes. Physiologia Plantarum, 139: 388-400.
5. Fan Yang, Xiang-Wen Xiao, Sheng Zhang, Helena Korpelainen, Chun-Yang Li@. 2009. Salt stress responses in Populus cathayana Rehder. Plant Science, 176 (5): 669-677.
杨帆, 苗灵凤. 三峡水库消落区植被恢复综合研究. 中国水利水电出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5170-5040-7, CIP: (2016)322992。字数:538000, 2016.12.30
1 一种应用于消落区的防护梯塘。实用新型专利号:ZL 2016 2 1446156.3。发明人:杨帆, 苗灵凤。授权日期2017.7。
2 一种河道、消落区生态修复打捞装置。实用新型专利号:ZL 2016 2 1445641.9。发明人:杨帆, 苗灵凤。授权日期2017.8。