刘乐 的个人主页
  • 刘乐 副研究员(高聘)
项目课题 学术奖励 论文专著

1. Liu, L., Chen, X., Ye, J., Ma, X., Han, Y., He, Y., & Tang, K. (2023). Sulfoquinovose is a widespread organosulfur substrate for Roseobacter clade bacteria in the ocean. The ISME Journal, 17(3), 393-405.

2. Liu, L., Gao, X., Dong, C., Wang, H., Chen, X., Ma, X., Liu, S. Chen, Q., Lin, D., Jiao, N., Tang, K. (2024). Enantioselective transformation of phytoplankton-derived dihydroxypropanesulfonate by marine bacteria. The ISME Journal, wrae084.

3. Liu, L., Ding, Y., Liu, S., Wang, S., Fang, Y., & Lyu, M. (2019). Dextrans removal from sugarcane juice using dextranase from marine bacterium Arthrobacter oxydans KQ11. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 11(1), 53-59.

4. Tang, K. & Liu L. (2023). Bacteria are driving the ocean's organosulfur cycle. Trends in Microbiology. 31(8), 77 2-775.

5. Ding, Y#., Liu, L.#, Fang, Y., Zhang, X., Lyu, M., & Wang, S. (2018). The Adsorption of Dextranase onto Mg/Fe-Layered Double Hydroxide: Insight into the Immobilization. Nanomaterials, 8(3), 173.

6. Chen, X., Liu, L., Gao, X., Dai, X., Han, Y., Chen, Q., & Tang, K. (2021). Metabolism of chiral sulfonate compound 2,3-dihydroxypropane-1-sulfonate (DHPS) by Roseobacter bacteria in marine environment. Environment International, 157, 106829.

7. He, J., Liu, L., Liu, X., & Tang, K. (2020). Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Cold-Active, Halotolerant Endoxylanase from Echinicola rosea Sp. Nov. JL3085T. Marine Drugs, 18(5), 245.

8. Ren, W., Liu, L., Gu, L., Yan, W., Feng, Y. l., Dong, D., Wang, S., Lyu, M., & Wang, C. (2019). Crystal Structure of GH49 Dextranase from Arthrobacter oxidans KQ11: Identification of Catalytic Base and Improvement of Ther mostability Using Semirational Design Based on B-Factors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67(15), 4355-4366.

9. Ma, X., Liu, L., & Tang, K. (2022). Carbon dioxide sequestration by microbial carbonic anhydrases from submarine hydrothermal systems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:908818.

10. Liu, S., Chen, Q., Liu, L., Dong, C., Qiu, X., & Tang, K. (2024). Organic matter composition fluctuations disrupt free-living bacterial communities more than particle-associated bacterial communities in coastal waters. The Science of the total environment, 174845.

11. Chen, B., Liu, G., Chen, Q., Wang, H., Liu, L., Tang, K. (2024). Discovery of a novel marine Bacteroidetes with a rich repertoire of carbohydrate-active enzymes. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 23, 40 6-416.

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