B&R Topic|"China-ASEAN Sports and Cultural Development Alliance" was established at Hainan University


On the morning of 19 April 2021, a delegation from the China-ASEAN Sports Culture Development Alliance visited Hainan University's School of Physical Education to exchange activities. The delegation visited the School's History Museum, the first sports field, tennis courts, volleyball courts, quality development training ground and other outdoor sports venues, and held a seminar in our conference room.

The institutions participating in this symposium are: Beijing University of Physical Education and Sport, Shanghai Institute of Physical Education and Sport (Hainan Institute of Innovation and Sports Industry), Wuhan Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Chengdu Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Shanxi University, Hangzhou Normal University and Hainan Tropical Ocean Institute. Our Dean Hong Jiayun, Party General Secretary Chen Weidong, Vice Dean Tian Dong and Professor Li Xiu attended this symposium. At the symposium, the participants watched the promotional film of our college together, and then had a full exchange of views on the development of sports-related majors, school philosophy, discipline construction, talent training and faculty strength of each institution.

All members of the delegation highly affirmed the importance of establishing the China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance and expressed their hope that through the Sports and Culture Development Alliance, the exchange and cooperation between the members of the Alliance and Hainan University in ASEAN countries would be further enhanced, and that they would be able to participate in more activities of the Alliance in the future and work together to do a good job in sports in the new era in all institutions!

At around 1pm, the China-ASEAN Mayors' Dialogue at the Boao Forum for Asia 2021 Annual Conference kicked off at the Boao East Island Hotel. It was announced that the China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance and the Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance, jointly initiated by the China-ASEAN Centre and Hainan University, were officially established.

At 3pm, the inaugural meeting of the "China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance" and the "Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance" was held at the International Academic Exchange Centre of Hainan University in a combination of online and offline formats. Secretary of the Party Committee of Hainan University, Wu Yaoting, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President Liang Mou; Vice President of Hainan Tropical Marine College, Liao Minsheng; Assistant to the President of the European University of Cyprus, Professor Liu Jiting attended the meeting on site. Representatives from more than 20 domestic and international consortium members attended the online meeting, including Chen Dehai, Secretary General of the China-ASEAN Centre; Yang Jinquan, President of the University of Gelek, Thailand; Nguyen Vichin, President of the Hanoi Sports and Teachers' University, Vietnam; Minh Soi, President of the University of Southeast Asia, Cambodia; and Song Xiewei, Dean of the School of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. The meeting was chaired by Liang Mou.

At the meeting, Wu Yaoting, Liang Mou, Liao Minsheng and other guests unveiled the "China-ASEAN Sports and Culture Development Alliance" and "Maritime Silk Road Arts Education Alliance", marking the official establishment of the two alliances.

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