Public Reports|Project-related Media Reports


Domestic media reports

1. In April 2018, the Sino-Malaysia MTA project of Hainan University appeared in the Exhibition of Hainan Province and East ally City, which was hosted by Hainan Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and opened in the South China Sea Museum of China (Hainan).

2. In September 2017, Hainan Daily: The first overseas academic education program was launched in Malaysia

3. In January 2013, our university signed an exchange and cooperation agreement with Southern University College of Malaysia

4. In June 2018, Hainan University and Malaysia Southern University College jointly held a master's degree program in tourism management, and the first student opening ceremony was held in Malaysia

5. In April 2019, Ms.Zhou Hongxia from the School of Tourism promoted the Malaysia MTA project of Hainan University at the "Second 'Belt and Road' and ASEAN Countries Education Cooperation Forum"

6. In July 2019, the Sino-Malaysia MTA project of Hainan University appeared at the 2019 Penang International Tourism Exhibition in Malaysia

Foreign media reports

1. In 2017, Malaysia China News reported that Hainan University and Southern University offered travel college management courses

2. In 2017, Malaysia Xingzhou Daily reported that the 3rd lecturer of Malaysia Southern University College was appointed as a visiting professor of Hainan University

3. In April 2019, Malaysia Guangming Daily: Tourism courses of Hainan University will start in North Malaysia in September

4. In January 2020, Malaysia China News reported that Hainan University and Southern University offered travel college management courses

5. In January 2020, Malaysia Guangming Daily reported on the overseas tourism management project of Hainan University in China

6. In March 2020, the exchange platform of YEA Youth Entrepreneurs Alliance promoted China's overseas tourism management projects

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