Achievement|Educational and Scientific Research Achievements in Southeast Asian countries


Since then, most countries in Southeast Asia have made abundant educational and scientific research achievements, which are listed as follows:

1.General project approval of the National Social Science Fund in 2019: Research on the construction of the harmonious inter-group relationship between Southeast Asian country residents and Chinese mainland tourists from the perspective of "Belt and Road";

2.2019 Education and Teaching Reform Research Project of Hainan University: "Research on the" Driving International School path of Tourism Management of Hainan University under the background of "Free Trade Zone Port";

3.Soft Science Research direction of Hainan Key Research and Development Plan of Hainan Provincial Department of Science and Technology:

Research on the Flow Convenience of Hainan International Offshore Innovation and Entrepreneurship Personnel: The Experience and Enlightenment of ASEAN Countries;

4.Research on the construction of harmonious intergroup relationship between Chongqing Overseas Students and Chinese students under the "Belt and Road" initiative;

5.Hainan University Teaching Achievement Award —— Innovation and practice of hotel management professional talent training mode based on ability-oriented and diversified development concept;

6.National Tourism Administration 2016 "Ten Thousand Tourism Talents Plan" —— "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents Training Project": Tourism Tianya hand in hand feeling;

7.The 2019 Ministry of Culture and Tourism College Student Team Support and Practice Training Program: Inter-talk Program;

8.2019 Key graduate student research support Program of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

At the same time, many outstanding overseas representatives of Chinese and Malaysian MTA graduate students have also published numerous research reports, some of which are listed as follows:

1.Tourism Destination in Malacca Major tourist attractions in Malacca, Malaysia

2.[The Mission of a Beautiful China in the New Era]: Develop green tourism and build an ecological civilization

3.Innovation strategies for cultural creative industry in Malacca

4.Strategy Implementation Plan in HRM for LEGOLAND Malaysia: Retaining Highly Talented People


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