Province|"One Belt, One Road" with Hainan


The sails are dotted and the trumpets are sounding. In the spring of Bo'ao, the tide is flowing.

Hainan, an important node on the ancient maritime Silk Road, is once again a hub of excellence.

The annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia 2015 was held as scheduled. President Xi Jinping and more than 10 foreign heads of state or government will attend the opening ceremony, where President Xi Jinping will deliver the keynote speech; more than 80 ministerial officials from various countries will attend the Forum or accompany the leaders; and the chairmen and CEOs of 65 Fortune 500 companies will attend the annual meeting.

In this annual event, Hainan people have special expectations - to think about Hainan's fate, anchor Hainan's position and plan Hainan's future in the light of the global perspective, in the context of the historical trend and within the framework of the "Belt and Road". The future.

The construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is like a majestic symphony of a rosy spring. As a pioneer of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Hainan is now setting sail again in the glory of history.

Sea Map

Every March, the currents and monsoons begin to change along the 10,000-mile route from the Western Pacific to the Indian Ocean.

Thousands of years of southerly winds pierce the clouds of history and blow on the sensitive faces of seafarers. Each subtle and nuanced change in the wind is a high-pitched clarion call for a voyage to the sea.

The trumpet of the times, which sets sail and beats the waves, is the catalyst for the journey of a grand strategy - the "One Belt, One Road" plan.

The "Belt and Road" plan covers a population of 4.4 billion and a GDP of US$21 trillion, accounting for about 2/3 and 1/3 of the world's GDP respectively, and will build the world's longest spanning economic corridor with the greatest development potential, forming an elliptical development loop connecting the multi-polar world, bridging multiple cultures and tapping the potential of many. This represents a huge opportunity and potential for development at a time when the world economy is still in the doldrums and full of risks and uncertainties. It is particularly crucial to build a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road with high transport capacity, low costs and high security.

If the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is the magnificent sea map, is in the turbulent South China Sea slowly spread, then Hainan to participate in the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road strategic opportunities, but also from here to find a location point.

"Hainan must firmly grasp the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road this historical opportunity, take up the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road pioneer of the history of the heavy responsibility." At the National People's Congress, State Councillor Yang Jiechi attended the Hainan delegation's deliberations and praised Hainan's resource endowment and development achievements, and had high hopes for Hainan's future, especially the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road "Hainan as". "Hainan has the resources, conditions and foundation to participate in all aspects of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, both to promote its own development and to contribute to the promotion of friendship and cooperation between China and the countries concerned."

What is the bottom line for Hainan to take on the historic responsibility of building the pioneering 21st Century Maritime Silk Road?

"Floating water island fishing grounds, since the white Bingmajiao frame Bin Shen more sailing twelve more boat sailing twenty-four hours can reach the water depth of twenty-eight hands." "Qiongzhou rowing boat, the first twelve or three sons of the ugly time flow east, the eighth hour flow west ......"

Open the Qionghai Tanmen qualification oldest captain, 96-year-old Wang Shidao home that is full of time stamp, yellowing handwriting "shift book", inside a stroke recorded many sea travel traces, detailed to the specific day of the ship's longitude and latitude, seawater flow, the amount of fish and other information.

The book has been handed down and used by fishermen, dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, and more than 10 editions have been found. A compass plus a copy of the Book of Changes allowed fishermen to travel to the deep sea without precise navigational charts and satellite positioning systems, making them pioneers of the Maritime Silk Road.

For more than 2000 years, Hainan has witnessed the rise and fall of the Maritime Silk Road, the 'golden route of the sea'. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, Hainan has been a haven for Chinese and Western merchant ships, a port of supply, and an important transit and distribution point for mainland and Southeast Asian countries as well as for the island's speciality products. In the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He went to the West, seven times through Hainan Island. A large number of ancient Chinese and foreign shipwrecks and excavated artefacts in the South China Sea tell the long history of the ancient Silk Road. Hainan was indisputably an important pioneer and participant in the ancient Maritime Silk Road.

In the past, Hainan was a key point on the ancient Silk Road; today, Hainan is a strategic pivot point of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

Today, Hainan is the place to travel between "two continents" (Asia, Oceania) and "two oceans" (Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean), and is also the "crossroads" to "two Asian" (Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia). It is also the "crossroads" to the "two Asias" (Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia). As one of the most important sea transport routes connecting the Asia-Pacific region with the world, as many as 100,000 ships pass through the waters of the South China Sea every year, and 3/4 of China's foreign trade exports and 1/3 of the world's international trade have to pass through the South China Sea route. This determines Hainan as a key node of the Maritime Silk Road, a "bridgehead" for China towards the ASEAN region, and the core area of the "South China Sea Economic Circle".

Today, Hainan is China's largest special economic zone and an international tourism island under construction, with jurisdiction over 2/3 of China's vast sea area, and is a major maritime province and an important overseas Chinese community. Hainan's strategic pivot point position is underlined by its excellent transport links, extensive diplomatic outreach and cultural ties. The location of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) in Hainan has also given Hainan additional wings.

The special history, location and role of Hainan in the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road has been a special feature of the country's history.

According to the country to make "one belt and one road" initiative deployment: support Hainan to build the South China Sea resources development services to ensure the base and marine rescue base, increase the development and opening of Hainan International Tourism Island, Haikou, Sanya as a strategic pivot point of maritime cooperation, strengthen the function of Sanya international gateway airport.

The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, like a pearl necklace, strings together 97 cities and ports around the world to enjoy the benefits of China's peaceful development. Participation in the construction of the Maritime Silk Road, a major historical opportunity in Hainan's history following the establishment of a special economic zone and the construction of an international tourist island, has arrived.

The marker

At present, the whole country is seizing the opportunity of the Belt and Road Initiative, showing the momentum of a hundred barges competing for the opportunity to move forward. So, who is dancing on the sea with a colourful train? How to be a pioneer in opening up the road?

The first thing you need to do is to follow suit and bet on free trade, or to find your own path based on your provincial conditions.

"The actual fact is that you'll be able to find the best way to get the most out of your own home. To play from the unique comparative advantage of Hainan to break the problem, to build a world-class tourism special zone as an important breakthrough in Hainan's participation in the construction of the 'Belt and Road'." In the province's leading cadres meeting held on March 18, provincial party secretary Luo Baoming elaborated on the construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative in the context of this new coordinates of Hainan's development. He pointed out the need to create two wheels for Hainan to take off: a special tourism zone and a free trade park.

The special tourism zone is a breakthrough, in line with the spirit of the central government.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Hainan's development should take the construction of an international tourism island as its overall grip. This is a national strategy made by the central government after careful consideration and review of the situation, and at all times it is important to bite the bullet and not relax, and to draw a blueprint to the end, which is where Hainan's determination to participate in the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road lies.

This is also the reason for Hainan's determination to participate in the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The creation of a world-class tourist destination and an upgraded version of the international tourist island is a mission consciousness in the context of the new era, combined with Hainan's reality and the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's request for Hainan's development to "strive to create a practical example of socialism with Chinese characteristics and write a chapter of beautiful China Hainan". It is also conducive to speeding up the formation of an industrial system with tourism as the leader and modern service industries as the leading industry, promoting the scientific development and green rise of Hainan.

The tourism special zone to break the problem, from the actual Hainan.

A look at the strategic positioning of the provinces and regions along the Maritime Silk Road reveals that a highly open, international and modern tourism special zone is a gap that needs to be filled on the long Silk Road.

Compared to developed provinces such as Shanghai and Guangdong, Hainan is less industrialised, has a smaller economic hinterland and has considerable difficulty in engaging in free trade. Hainan's strategic position in ecology and tourism is significant, and the policy advantages of China's largest special zone, the location of the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan and the humanistic advantages of more than 2 million Southeast Asian expatriates ...... all stand out as the best choice to fill and grow this "golden tourism cake". The best choice to fill and grow this "golden tourism cake". The potential of tourism to attract international flows of people and consumers, and the powerful function of transmitting culture and promoting friendship, is unlimited. The creation of a special tourism zone is a scientific adaptation of Hainan's two competitive strategies of differentiation and target aggregation in seizing the opportunities of the Belt and Road initiative.

The Special Tourism Zone is a breakthrough in response to the trend of the times.

China's 'One Belt, One Road' initiative has a profound backdrop of structural transformation in China's and the world's economic development. The rapid development of the tertiary sector, especially the modern service sector, will carry the flag of development along the Maritime Silk Road. As the darling of the modern service industry, tourism is a strong driving force, with hundreds of related industries, and is a new growth point encouraged and supported by the state under the new economic normal. As a bridge to spread civilisation, exchange culture and promote friendship, tourism is also an indispensable fulcrum of the Maritime Silk Road strategy. After five years of comprehensive promotion and construction, Hainan has made remarkable achievements in the construction of an international tourism island, which has laid a solid foundation for the construction of a special tourism zone.

The special tourism zone is a breakthrough in response to people's expectations.

The people's livelihood is the most important thing in all matters. In order to have a sustainable core competitiveness, the Tourism Special Zone must first be a livable paradise where "people are in the scenery, living in the pictures and enjoying their dreams", so that people can live a healthier, better quality and more dignified life. Tourism creates an inexhaustible source of tax revenue that will enrich the people of Hainan. The creation of a special tourism zone will drive a series of infrastructure construction, public service provision and industrial transformation and upgrading, enhancing Hainan's people's happiness and sense of access.

"Based on our advantages, based on the existing foundation, from the implementation of the national strategy to build an international tourism island, from the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the construction of an international tourism island as the overall grasp, the focus, the focus on building China's tourism special zone, to create a world-class boutique tourism destination, so that Hainan really become the most of China's tourism paradise ""Let Hainan become the world's favorite leisure paradise, habitat paradise, shopping paradise, food paradise, medical paradise, health paradise, entertainment paradise, special cultural paradise, to enjoy a high degree of integration of man and nature ecological blessing, enjoy warm and thoughtful humanized service on earth paradise, to become a tourist relaxation island of forgetfulness, health island " - the province's leading cadres in the General Assembly of the solemn declaration, it is Hainan in the clouds and water stirring, long wind breaking waves, to participate in the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road clear beacon.

Hainan, the pioneer of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, is already well thought out and vigorous in its journey to realise the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The oar

"One belt, one road", the spring river is warm.

This is a string of exciting figures - in 2014 Hainan's foreign trade import and export value of nearly 100 billion yuan, another record high. Among them, Hainan's imports and exports to 32 countries along the Maritime Silk Road amounted to 45.39 billion yuan, an increase of 28.3%, faster than the province's average growth rate of 23.9 percentage points. Exports to ASEAN 9.79 billion yuan, an increase of 70.3%, ASEAN has replaced Hong Kong as Hainan's largest export market.

The sea map is vast, the navigational mark is clear, Hainan should strive to be the first.

Since the central government proposed the strategic layout of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Hainan has been forward-looking in promoting a series of major initiatives -

Promoting infrastructure connectivity with the Sanya Gateway Airport;

The construction of the Sanya Airport Economic Zone as a grip to promote the innovative development of modern service industries;

Deepening practical cooperation with key national industries with the promotion of the international tourism island as the overall grasp;

Take the construction of Sansha as an opportunity to promote the comprehensive development of resources in the South China Sea;

The Boao Forum for Asia is the basis for building a comprehensive public diplomacy platform and promoting foreign exchanges and cooperation.

Hainan has been given the role of historical mission; all fronts have been sailed.

In this year's Boao Forum for Asia annual meeting, Hainan launched as many as 13 thematic activities, "the main event" are around the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road this goal to carry out. The sub-forum on "Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road" and the launch of the China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Year, the sub-forum on "The South China Sea: Dual-Track Thinking and Win-Win Cooperation", the China-ASEAN Mayors' Dialogue, the Hainan-ASEAN Friendship City Image Exhibition, the 2015 Boao Health Forum, Hainan Riding House Realistic Street Exhibition and Hainan Style Food Park ....... Hainan used its friendship provinces (cities) in the ASEAN region to build bridges of dialogue between China and ASEAN local governments, and carried out Friendship City themed activities, especially tourism cooperation and promotion activities, to sing the main theme of cooperation and building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

On 7 February, the "Beautiful China - Year of Silk Road Tourism 2015" Hainan Silk Road themed tourism event was held in the thousand-year-old fishing port and silk town of Tanmen, Qionghai. Hainan Island West Coast Mystery Tour, Hainan Food Tasting Tour, Hainan Treasure Hunting Tour, Tanmen Silk Road Ancient Town Experience Tour and other 7 thematic boutique tourism routes.

The provincial commerce department will actively explore the ASEAN market this year, to promote economic and trade cooperation between Hainan and the countries along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road; make every effort to grasp the implementation of foreign trade policies to further improve the level of trade facilitation; promote the speed of the construction of outward-looking platforms such as bulk commodity trading, cross-border e-commerce trading and high-end imported goods display trading in the Haikou Comprehensive Free Trade Zone.

The silk road on the sea, a dream of the times; Hainan land, a hot fire.

As the provincial capital city of Haikou, this year will adhere to the construction of the tourism special zone and build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road strategic pivot city "two-wheel drive", focus on economic and social development and urban construction and management "two-pronged"; give full play to serve the province, radiation around We will also give full play to our leading role in serving the province and radiating the surrounding areas, promote the coordinated development of the provincial capital economic circle, explore the integration of multiple regulations, promote interconnection and interoperability, and build a new platform for '1+3' industrial development.

The tourism industry has reached a critical period of upgrading, and Sanya, which carries the dream of "airside economy", is deploying a special leadership team and institutions to accelerate and carefully plan the construction of a 28-square-kilometre airside economic zone to create an open industrial cluster integrating shipping, transportation, logistics, warehousing, foreign trade, electronic trading, finance and insurance, and tourism. The second phase of the Phoenix Island International Cruise Port is being accelerated.

Located at the forefront of maritime exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, Sansha is making headway in regime building, livelihood work, infrastructure construction, ecological and environmental protection, and integrated civil-military development: it has completed the construction of a municipal-level regime, and has achieved the normalization of cruise enforcement by integrated law enforcement vessels in the Xisha Islands.

In the construction of the western centre of Hainan Danzhou, this year will vigorously implement the "tourism special zone" construction of the decision to deploy, grasp tourism, grasp the big tourism, full development of special tourism industry.

As the Boao Forum for Asia held in Qionghai, this year will take advantage of the forum's significant impact, the city's efforts to promote the medical pioneer area on the project, the formation of large-scale investment; Qionghai as a large scenic area for overall planning and construction, Qionghai construction to the extreme, to become a special window and platform to show China's image.


Time flies, a thousand years a dream. The reality, are less echoes of history; the present, are but a dream of the pluck. 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, is not a simple copy or reproduction of the old scenes of history, but a new historical stage of human development and progress of the inevitable choice.

In the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road on the vast journey, we are with a high sense of responsibility, to dare to break through the spirit of the Special Administrative Region, to take advantage of the momentum, the courage to advance, and strive to portray the thousands of boats competing, the cloud of sails cover the magnificent picture.

Hainan, the pioneer of the maritime silk road, will live up to the years and the spring tide.

(Source: Hainan Daily)

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