The state|Introduction to the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Policy


More than 2,000 years ago, the industrious and brave people on the Eurasian continent explored a number of trade and people-to-people exchanges connecting the Asian-European-African civilizations, which are collectively referred to as the "Silk Road". For thousands of years, the Silk Road spirit of "peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit" has been passed on from generation to generation, which has promoted human civilization. It is an important link for the prosperity and development of countries along the Belt and Road, a symbol of exchanges and cooperation between the East and the West, and a historical and cultural heritage shared by all countries in the world.

In the 21st century, in a new era of peace, development, cooperation and win-win cooperation, in the face of the sluggish global economic recovery and complex international and regional situations, it is even more important and precious to carry forward the Spirit of the Silk Road.

In September and October 2013, during his visits to Central Asian and Southeast Asian countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping successively proposed major initiatives to jointly build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (hereinafter referred to as the "Belt and Road"), which have attracted great attention from the international community. When attending the 2013 China-Asean Expo, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang stressed the paving for the Maritime Silk Road facing ASEAN and building a strategic fulcrum driving the development of the hinterland. Accelerating the construction of "Belt and Road" is conducive to promoting economic prosperity and regional economic cooperation among countries along the Belt and Road, strengthening exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations, and promoting world peace and development. It is a great cause for the benefit of people around the world.

The Belt and Road project construction is a systematic project. We should adhere to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and actively promote the complementarity of the development strategies of countries along the Belt and Road. In order to promote the implementation of the Belt and Road initiative, revitalize the ancient Silk Road, strengthen closer ties between Asia, Europe and Africa in new forms, and take mutually beneficial cooperation to a new historical height, the Chinese government has formulated and issued the Vision and Actions for Jointly Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

The world today is undergoing complex and profound changes. The deep-seated impact of the international financial crisis continues to emerge, the world economy is slowly recovering, and development is diverging, the international investment and trade pattern and multilateral investment and trade rules are undergoing profound adjustments, and the development problems facing all countries remain grim. The "Belt and Road" initiative follows the trend of world multi-polarization, economic globalization, cultural diversity, and social informationization. It upholds the spirit of open regional cooperation, and is committed to upholding the global free trade system and an open world economy. The Belt and Road cooperation aims to promote the orderly and free flow of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources and deep market integration, promote the coordination of countries along the Belt and Road to achieve economic policies, carry out regional cooperation at a higher level and at a deeper level, and jointly build an open, inclusive, balanced and inclusive regional economic cooperation framework. Jointly building the Belt and Road serves the fundamental interests of the international community and demonstrates the common ideal and beautiful pursuit of human society. It is an active exploration of a new model of international cooperation and global governance, and will add new positive energy to world peace and development.

The "Belt and Road" is committed to the connectivity of the Eurasian continent and its nearby oceans, establish and strengthen connectivity partnerships among countries along the Belt and Road, build an all-round, multi-level and complex connectivity network, and realize the diversified, independent, balanced and sustainable development of countries along the Belt and Road."Belt and Road" connectivity project will promote the countries along the development strategy of docking and coupling, explore the potential of regional market, promote investment and consumption, create demand and employment, promote people along the cultural exchanges and civilization mutual learning, let the people meet to know each other, mutual trust and respect, sharing a harmonious, peaceful and rich life.

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