International cooperation|Hainan University College of Tourism International Cooperation Milestones(2018)


1.On 9 March 2018, Professor David Weaver, a Cheung Kong Scholar, was invited to give a special lecture at Hainan University.

2.On May 3, 2018, President Li Jianbao met with the Canadian Ambassador to China, Mr. McLean and his delegation, and the relevant person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

3.On 11 May 2018, the Tourism College was pleased to welcome students and teachers from the Malaysian MTA programme back to school.

4.On 24 May 2018, President Li Jianbao met with Robert, Vice President and Director of International Exchange of Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, and his delegation, and the relevant person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

5.On 25 May 2018, representatives from the Academic Exchange Office of the Chinese University of Hong Kong visited the Tourism College.

6.From 21 May to 23 May 2018, Dr. Bing Pan from Pennsylvania State University was invited to lecture at our Tourism College.

7.From 21 to 31 May 2018, the Tourism College hosted the 2018 Ministry of Education's "Exchange Programme for Teachers and Students between Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland Higher Education Institutions" project - "Hainan Li and Miao Original Culture Discovery Tour" by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

8.On 31 May 2018, the university signed a cooperation agreement with the Laos Babaasa Institute of Technology, and the person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

9.From 26 June to 28 June 2018, our teacher Song Mengmeng was invited to attend the 2018 ITOP International Policy Seminar.

10.In September 2018, Professor Tan Yang Le and Associate Professor Ho Biao visited Southern University College in Malaysia respectively.

11.On 28 September 2018, a delegation from the University of Canberra, Australia visited Hainan University.

12.On 23 October 2018, representatives from the Ministry of Tourism and National University of Maldives and other universities visited our College.

13.On 23 October 2018, representatives from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de La Rochelle, France, visited our College.

14.On 23 October 2018, the governor of Sucre Department of Colombia visited our university and the head of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

15.On 31 October 2018, a delegation from the Blue Mountains International School of Hospitality Management of the University of Torrens, Australia, visited our university.

16.On 7 November 2018, Mr. Robert, Vice Chancellor of the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada, visited our university, and the head of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

17.On 19 December 2018, the Tourism College of Hainan University is actively promoting the second phase of the Master of Tourism Management (MTA) in Malaysia.

18.On 22 December 2018, Associate Professor Xuehua Xiang from the University of Illinois taught a course on "Foreign Frontier Advances in Applied Linguistics" to our students and faculty.

19.From 26 to 30 December 2018, Dr Chunxia Jiang from Middlesex University, UK, visited us to deliver a course on Econometrics.

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