International cooperation|Hainan University College of Tourism International Cooperation Milestones(2014)


1.On 6 March 2014, students and teachers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong visited the Tourism College of Hainan University for a study visit and exchange.

2.On 22 April 2014, officials from the Ministry of Commerce's Institute for International Business Officials (IBO) "Ministerial Workshop on Capacity Building for International Development Cooperation in Asian and African Countries" visited our university.

3.On 23 June 2014, a delegation from Pingtung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan visited the University.

4.On 11 July 2014, a delegation of Dr Lu Peng from Florida International University visited our university.

5.On 23 September 2014, the University signed a cooperation agreement with San Diego State University in the United States to officially launch a cross-country study and paid internship programme for students.

6.On 25 September 2014, our students attended an interview for the Disney Paid Internship Program in the United States.

7.On 26 September 2014, President Li Jianbao met with Dr. Lu Peng, Vice President of Florida International University, and Wang Lin, Dean of the Tourism College, was present during the meeting.

8.On December 31, 2014, the Tourism College held a mobilization meeting for the 2012 Liberal Arts Experimental Class of Tourism Management to go to the United States for training.

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