International cooperation|Hainan University College of Tourism International Cooperation Milestones(2003-2021)


1. On 15th December 2003, a ceremony to honour the visiting professors of Hainan University and an academic lecture by Professors Lin Haoran and Liao Shuhong was held in the multi-functional hall of the College of Tourism.

2.On 29 December 2003, Dr Liu Ruiming, a renowned American scholar, visited the University and gave an academic lecture.

3.On 13 May 2004, the Chief Minister of Zanzibar, Mr. Nahorza, led a delegation to visit our University.

4.From 21 to 26 April 2005, He Li, a student of the Tourism College of Hainan University, went to Macau for an exchange visit on behalf of university students from Hainan Province.

5.On 5 September 2005, the Tourism College held a farewell party for two students who went to France for exchange studies.

6.From 8 to 10 December 2005, Professor Sulrez of the Catholic University of America visited to give a lecture.

7.From 26 February to 12 March 2006, students from the Tourism College went to Europe to participate in the second international edition of Between Cities.

8.From 14 to 15 April 2006, students and teachers from the School of Hotel and Tourism Management of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University visited the Tourism College.

9.From 5 to 6 November 2006, Professor Song Haiyan, Associate Dean of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, visited our university to give an academic presentation.

10.Dr. Zhaofei Wang from the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada visited us on 13 January 2007.

11.On 30 January 2007, two professors from Korea visited our College.

12.On 12 March 2007, Professor Chen Xudong from Indiana University visited the Tourism College to give a lecture at the "China Tourism Development Forum".

13.On 13 March 2007, Professor Chen Xudong from Indiana University, USA had a talk with our faculty and gave his second academic presentation in our college.

14. On 14 March 2007,a delegation from Perth College, UK visited.

15.On 23 May 2007, Professor Marsh, Dean of the Graduate School of James Cook University, Australia, visited the University and gave a presentation. Professor Marsh, Dean of the Graduate School of Cook University, visited and gave a special presentation.

16.From 28 May to 30 June 2007, Lecturer Yang Hong from the Tourism College was awarded a grant to conduct research for a project in Canada.

17.On 18 July 2007, Dr Ye Zhen, a representative of the University of Hertfordshire, UK, was invited to visit our university.

18.In January 2008, Ms Yang Hong from the Tourism College was honoured by the Canadian Embassy in China.

19.On 23 April 2008, a delegation from Victoria, the capital of the Republic of Seychelles, visited the city.

20.On 29 October 2008, Professor Shisei Tokumura, a Japanese scholar, came to our College for an academic visit.

21.On 27 January 2009, the first batch of students from the Tourism College of Hainan University went to the United States to participate in the Disneyland International Internship Program.

22.On 19 March 2009, Ms. Catherine Cory, Registrar of the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada, visited the University of Prince Edward Island. Ms. Cory and her delegation visited us.

23.On April 3, 2009, four graduates of the Tourism College of Hainan University from the class of 2009 will go to work at Disneyland in the United States as cultural exchange ambassadors.

24.On 29 April 2009, 18 more students from the Tourism College passed the interview to participate in the international internship programme at Disneyland in the United States.

25.On 15 October 2009, the opening ceremony of the Ministry of Commerce's "Tourism Management Training Course for Pacific Island Countries" was held in our university.

26.On 18 October 2009, an exchange meeting was held between students and teachers from the Tourism College of Hainan University and Singapore's ITE School of Tourism.

27.From 4 to 15 January 2010, Professor Shisei Tokumura, a renowned Japanese tourism expert, gave a lecture on tourism scenic area management at the Tourism College.

28.On 22 March 2010, Mr Jim Lane, Mayor of Scottsdale,and his delegation visited the University.

29.On 26 May 2010, the University signed a cooperation agreement with Missouri State University.

30.On 22 June 2010, the Tourism College invited a professor of tourism from the University of Utah to attend the opening session of the 2008 tourism management graduate students.

31.On 22 June 2010, Professor Linda S. Ralston from the University of Utah visited the Tourism College for academic exchange and collaboration.

32.On 13 October 2010, the opening ceremony of the Ministry of Commerce's "Tropical Agriculture and Tourism Workshop for Developing Countries" was held at our university.

33.On 8 November 2010, world-renowned tourism researcher Chris Ryan gave a lecture at the Tourism College.

34.On 24 November 2010, the opening ceremony of the Ministry of Commerce's "Seminar on Climate Change and Tourism Development in Developing Countries" was held in our university.

35.On 3 December 2010, Mr Tian Guicheng, Dean of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was invited to give an academic lecture at the Tourism College.

36.From 27 December to 7 January 2010, the foreign expert Denver Eugene Severt lectured in the winter primary period at the Tourism College.

37.On 8 January 2011, the first Qiong-Australia Cooperation Forum, supported by the University, was held.

38.On 1 March 2011, the President of the University of Gotland, Sweden and his delegation visited our university.

39.On 25 March 2011, the Tourism College invited Professor Rob Law and Dr Catherine Cheung from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to give an academic presentation at the College.

40.On 12 April 2011, the University officially launched a paid internship programme for students in New Zealand.

41.On May 10, 2011, the University officially launched the Paid Professional Internship Program for college students in the United States.

42.On 13 June 2011, the Tourism College invited Professor Ryoichi Miwa from Aoyama College, Japan to give a presentation.

43.On 15 June 2011, the 2011 Tourism and Services Engineering Management Workshop and Risk Engineering Management (REM) International Conference session was successfully held.

44.On 17 June 2011, Dr. Darla Damonte, Director of International Affairs at Coastal Carolina University, USA, visited the University. Dr. Darla Damonte visited.

45.On 27 September 2011, a delegation from Queensland University of Technology, Australia visited.

46.On 9 October 2011, Mr. John Huppert, Mayor of Perth, UK, and his delegation visited the city.

47.From 23 to 25 October 2011, the University co-organised the 7th China Tourism Forum with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

48.From 17 to 19 November 2011, Wang Lin from the Tourism College was invited to attend an academic conference in Macau.

49.On 1-2 December 2011, Associate Professor Feng Yanchang from the Tourism College attended the International Symposium on Interpretation, Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication Studies.

50.On 22 December 2011, our university launched a paid professional internship programme for students in Singapore.

51.From 25 to 31 December 2011, a delegation of Hong Kong university students visited Hainan for a study tour.

52.A visiting delegation from the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Macau visited on 30 December 2011.

53.On 4 January 2012, our university sent selected students to Macau Institute of Tourism for exchange study.

54.On 16 March 2012, a visiting delegation from Macau Qiong-Ao Economic and Cultural Promotion Association and Portuguese IPL Academy visited the city.

55.On 26 March 2012, the University signed a co-operative education agreement with the UK's Elmwood College.

56.On 10 April 2012, the Tourism College held an interview for the 2012-2013 Macao Tourism Institute Exchange Student Programme.

57.On 9 May 2012, the Ministry of Commerce's "Workshop for Tropical Agriculture and Tourism Officials from Developing Countries" started in our university.

58.On 15 May 2012, Professor Jin Qun's academic presentation was conducted.

59.On 18 June 2012, the Tourism College successfully held a presentation on the Disney Internship Programme at the University of Central Florida, USA.

60.On 11 July 2012, the Principal of Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland visited.

61.From 21 July to 18 August 2012, our students returned from the "2012 Summer Workshop" at the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan.

62.On 25 August 2012, we attended the inaugural meeting of the St Andrews China International Golf Education Alliance.

63.On 24 December 2012, the Vice-Rector of the Russian People's Friendship University visited the University.

64.On 26 January 2013, the university leaders met with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hainan Association of Thailand, Xing Yi Xi.

65.On 2 April 2013, the Tourism College held successful interviews for the Disney Internship Program at the University of Central Florida.

66.On 11 April 2013, the Tourism College held interviews for the 2013-2014 Macao Tourism Institute Exchange Student Programme.

67.From 28 April 2012 to 15 May 2013, Professor Guo Qiang returned from his visit to Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration in the United States as a visiting scholar to conduct collaborative research.

68.On 23 May 2013, Wynn Macau campus recruitment briefing was held.

69.In the 2012-2013 academic year, we ranked among Hainan University in terms of the number of students going abroad for exchange studies and paid internships.

70.On 18 May 2013, four of our students were awarded another offer in the Disney Internship Program at the University of Central Florida, USA.

71.On 28 May 2013, the University signed a Memorandum of Inter-University Friendship with Edinburgh Lombard University, UK.

72.On 3 June 2013, a delegation from Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Ireland visited our university.

73.On 5 June 2013, a delegation from Hofstra University visited our university.

74.From 25 to 26 June 2013, Dean Wang Lin attended the Golf Education Forum and conducted research on related institutions and enterprises.

75.On 8 July 2013, an information session on studying at Hofstra University in the USA was held.

76.On 25 July 2013, President Li Jianbao met with the Consul General of Japan in Guangzhou, Koichi Ito and his delegation, and Dean Wang Lin of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

77.On 5 September 2013, a delegation from the University College of Southern Malaysia visited the University.

78.On 5 November 2013, a delegation from Keiser University visited our university.

79.On 5 November 2013, the Tourism College held a successful interview for an internship with Disney in the United States.

80.From 21 to 24 November 2013, we hosted the 10th International Symposium on Intercultural Communication in China with great success!

81.On 13 December 2013, a representative from the University of Lyon III, France, visited.

82.A delegation from University College Birmingham, UK visited on 18 December 2013.

83.On 6 March 2014, students and teachers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong visited the Tourism College of Hainan University for a study visit and exchange.

84.On 22 April 2014, officials from the Ministry of Commerce's Institute for International Business Officials (IBO) "Ministerial Workshop on Capacity Building for International Development Cooperation in Asian and African Countries" visited our university.

85.On 23 June 2014, a delegation from Pingtung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan visited the University.

86.On 11 July 2014, a delegation of Dr Lu Peng from Florida International University visited our university.

87.On 23 September 2014, the University signed a cooperation agreement with San Diego State University in the United States to officially launch a cross-country study and paid internship programme for students.

88.On 25 September 2014, our students attended an interview for the Disney Paid Internship Program in the United States.

89.On 26 September 2014, President Li Jianbao met with Dr. Lu Peng, Vice President of Florida International University, and Wang Lin, Dean of the Tourism College, was present during the meeting.

90.On December 31, 2014, the Tourism College held a mobilization meeting for the 2012 Liberal Arts Experimental Class of Tourism Management to go to the United States for training.

91.On 12 January 2015, our 2012 Liberal Arts Experimental Tourism Management class went to the University of Hawaii's School of Tourism Management for a short training session.

92.On 30 January 2015, our 2012 Liberal Arts Experimental Course in Tourism Management successfully concluded its training in the United States.

93.On 13 March 2015, the Dean of the School of Tourism Management of the University of Hawaii came to the Tourism College for an exchange visit.

94.On 16 March 2015, Associate Professor Liu Peng from Cornell University School of Hotel Management visited our college.

95.From May 10 to 11, 2015, Secretary Liu Kangde and President Li Jianbao met with Mark Rosenberg, President of Florida International University, respectively. Rosenberg and his delegation, the head of the unit of the Tourism College participated in the discussion.

96.On 1 July 2015, Hainan University and Ireland's Dublin Institute of Technology cooperate to train exhibition talents.

97.On 13 July 2015, President Wang Lin met with Professor Chris Rayn, an internationally renowned scholar in tourism studies.

98.From 30 July to 5 August 2015, Dr. Bo Wu from the Tourism College participated in an international academic exchange in the summer.

99.On 2 November 2015, a delegation of Dr John Chuchiak from Missouri State University visited our university.

100.On 18 December 2015, Professor Hong Sung-Ho of Jeju University, South Korea, and his delegation paid an exchange visit to our university.

101.On 21 December 2015, the Tourism College invited Dr Jiang Chunxia to give an academic lecture.

102.From December 2015 to March 2016, Professor Sun Jianjun of the Tourism College was a Visiting Professor at Kobe University in Japan.

103.On March 23, 2016, Lee Jae-bok, Director of the International Division of Puijae University in South Korea, and his delegation visited our university, and the relevant person in charge of the Tourism College attended the discussion.

104.On 15 April 2016, Professor Rob Law of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University visited our College for academic exchange.

105.On 13 June 2016, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Hawaii at Manoa visited our university, and the person in charge of the of Tourism College attended the meeting.

106.On 24 June 2016, President Li Jianbao met with the Sheriff of County Ryan, County Wicklow, Ireland and his delegation, and the relevant person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

107.On 23 August 2016, a visiting representative from Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland held a foreign language study guidance and study abroad programme promotion meeting in our college.

108.On 22 September 2016, the Vice President of Jeju University in South Korea visited our university, and the person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

109.On 14 October 2016, the Co-Chairs of the Canada-China Parliamentary Association of Canada and their delegation visited our university.

110.From 6 to 12 November 2016, Dr Song Zibin from the Tourism College of Hainan University was invited to visit the Northern Territory, Australia.

111.On November 9, 2016, officials from the Canadian Embassy in China visited our university.

112.In November 2016, Associate Professor Jue Wu from the Tourism College gave a special lecture at the Confucius Institute at Miami Dade University in the United States.

113.From 12 to 21 December 2016, Associate Professor Xuehua Xiang from the University of Illinois taught a course on Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis to our faculty and students.

114.From 18 to 22 December 2016, Dr. Li Xiang, a professor in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management at Temple University and a senior researcher at Washburn, came to lecture at the Tourism College.

115.From 26 to 30 December 2016, Dr. Zheng Minqing was invited to teach the winter primary session of the Tourism College's Hospitality Management programme.

116.On 5-6 January 2017, representatives from Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland visited our university.

117.On 5 January 2017, a meeting between visiting representatives from Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Ireland and the 2016 intake of the China-Ireland Programme was successfully held.

118.From 27 December 2016 to 5 January 2017, Werner Bigell, Associate Professor at Arctic University in Norway, taught the winter primary term at the Tourism College.

119.From 23 to 26 February 2017, John Kirchner, Professor at California State University (Los Angeles), visited us.

120.On 24 February 2017, the Vice Chancellor of James Cook University in Australia visited our university, and the person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

121.From 21 to 24 March 2017, the Dean of the School of Tourism of Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Ireland and his delegation visited our university.

122.In April 2017, Ms Du Xiaohan from the Tourism College taught at the School of Hotel and Restaurant Management at Northern Arizona University, USA.

123.On 24 April 2017, a delegation of Southeast Asian universities visited our university, and the relevant person in charge of the Tourism College attended the symposium.

124.From 3 to 9 May 2017, a delegation from the Tourism College of Hainan University visited Malaysia to promote the MTA programme.

125.On 31 May 2017, a delegation from UiT-Norwegian University of the Arctic Circle visited our university.

126.On 21 June 2017, President Li Jianbao met with a delegation from the Lao Institute of Technology in Barbosa, and the head of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

127.From 3-9 July 2017, the Tourism College once again organised a delegation to Malaysia to promote the MTA programme.

128.From 18 December to 22 December 2017, Professor Snowflake taught the winter primary term.

129.On 9 March 2018, Professor David Weaver, a Cheung Kong Scholar, was invited to give a special lecture at Hainan University.

130.On May 3, 2018, President Li Jianbao met with the Canadian Ambassador to China, Mr. McLean and his delegation, and the relevant person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

131.On 11 May 2018, the Tourism College was pleased to welcome students and teachers from the Malaysian MTA programme back to school.

132.On 24 May 2018, President Li Jianbao met with Robert, Vice President and Director of International Exchange of Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, and his delegation, and the relevant person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

133.On 25 May 2018, representatives from the Academic Exchange Office of the Chinese University of Hong Kong visited the Tourism College.

134.From 21 May to 23 May 2018, Dr. Bing Pan from Pennsylvania State University was invited to lecture at our Tourism College.

135.From 21 to 31 May 2018, the Tourism College hosted the 2018 Ministry of Education's "Exchange Programme for Teachers and Students between Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland Higher Education Institutions" project - "Hainan Li and Miao Original Culture Discovery Tour" by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

136.On 31 May 2018, the university signed a cooperation agreement with the Laos Babaasa Institute of Technology, and the person in charge of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

137.From 26 June to 28 June 2018, our teacher Song Mengmeng was invited to attend the 2018 ITOP International Policy Seminar.

138.In September 2018, Professor Tan Yang Le and Associate Professor Ho Biao visited Southern University College in Malaysia respectively.

139.On 28 September 2018, a delegation from the University of Canberra, Australia visited Hainan University.

140.On 23 October 2018, representatives from the Ministry of Tourism and National University of Maldives and other universities visited our College.

141.On 23 October 2018, representatives from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de La Rochelle, France, visited our College.

142.On 23 October 2018, the governor of Sucre Department of Colombia visited our university and the head of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

143.On 31 October 2018, a delegation from the Blue Mountains International School of Hospitality Management of the University of Torrens, Australia, visited our university.

144.On 7 November 2018, Mr. Robert, Vice Chancellor of the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada, visited our university, and the head of the Tourism College attended the meeting.

145.On 19 December 2018, the Tourism College of Hainan University is actively promoting the second phase of the Master of Tourism Management (MTA) in Malaysia.

146.On 22 December 2018, Associate Professor Xuehua Xiang from the University of Illinois taught a course on "Foreign Frontier Advances in Applied Linguistics" to our students and faculty.

147.From 26 to 30 December 2018, Dr Chunxia Jiang from Middlesex University, UK, visited us to deliver a course on Econometrics.

148.From 6 January to 10 January 2019, Professor Tan Siew Lim, Vice Chancellor of Southern University College, Malaysia, was invited to teach our winter primary term students.

149.On 14 January 2019, the President of the Federation of Malaysian Hainanese Associations, Dato' Lim Chew Ya, and his delegation visited our College.

150.On 1 April 2019, the President of Universiti Petronas Mudali came to our campus to deliver a lecture.

151.On 3 April 2019, the President of the Federation of Malaysian Hainanese Associations (FHMA), Dato' Lim Chew Ya and his entourage visited our College again.

152.On April 4, 2019, a delegation from the University of Canberra, Australia visited Hainan University and Dean Guo Qiang of the Tourism College participated in the meeting.

153.From 18 to 24 April 2019, Wang Yongqiang, Associate Dean of the Tourism College, successfully completed a mission to Malaysia.

154.From 27 May to 5 June 2019, Professor Jinlin Zhao from Florida International University, USA, taught our students in full English.

155.From 20 May to 6 June 2019, Professor P.R. Chan of Northern Arizona University was invited to teach at our College.

156.On 17 June 2019, the 2019 cohort of the Malaysian MTA programme came to Hainan University for research and study.

157.On 24 June 2019, a delegation from Singapore's East Asia Institute of Management (EAM) visited our university, and the heads of relevant departments of the Tourism College attended the symposium.

158.From 3 to 9 July 2019, Hainan University's China-Malaysia MTA programme was presented at the Penang International Tourism Exhibition 2019 in Malaysia.

159.From 20 July to 20 August 2019, Professor Song Zibin was invited to be a visiting professor at the School of Hotel and Tourism, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

160.On 24 September 2019, a delegation from the School of Tourism of Universiti Sains Malaysia visited our College.

161.On 7 November 2019, Professor Sam Kim from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University gave an academic lecture to our students and teachers.

162.On 13 December 2019, Ralf Burbach, Associate Dean of the School of Hotel Management at Dublin Institute of Technology, conducted a lecture on the topic for first-year students.

163.On 15 December 2019, Alex M. Susskind, Associate Dean of Cornell University's School of Hospitality Management, was invited to the College for an academic exchange.

164.On 22 December 2019, Hainan University and Universiti Sains Malaysia North signed a memorandum of understanding on inter-university cooperation and exchange.

165.On 9 September 2020, our Sino-Malaysia MTA programme held an admissions briefing in Penang, Malaysia.

166.On 25 November 2020, a delegation from the China-ASEAN Centre and a delegation from the ASEAN Ambassadors' Hainan Tour visited our College.

167.From 29 to 31 July 2021, President Guo Qiang was invited to participate in the 2021 Cultural Tourism International Summit and the 14th World Hotel Forum.

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