Tourism Education|Partner Institution - JeJu National University


JeJu National University

Founded in 1952, Jeju National University is a national undergraduate university in the Republic of Korea. It is one of the ten national universities directly under the central government of Korea. It is also a world-class university of science and technology. Jeju university has a good tradition of education, university of jeju is strong teachers and advanced teaching equipment, among the noble university in Asia and the world famous university, 2014/2015 qs Asian university rankings with the China university of political science and law (China's top universities 56), Japan's central university, is one of the quality of higher education in Korea's top 20 universities, According to the Joongang Ilbo, Jeju University ranks first in Korea in the comprehensive evaluation of international educational level and fourth in Korea in the comprehensive evaluation of educational conditions and financial capacity. Jeju University insists on continuous innovation to provide an ideal environment for its students that "begins with enrollment and ends with employment".

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地址:海南省海口市人民大道58号 海南大学