"Maritime Silk Road" Culture | Hainan mark of the Maritime Silk Culture Maritime Silk Road


Hainan mark of the Maritime Silk Culture Maritime Silk Road

Across the sea, riding on the waves, going far. We cannot forget that in today's unimpeded ocean air routes, the longest and oldest air routes were opened up by the ancient Chinese ancestors, called the Maritime Silk Road.

The ancient Maritime Silk Road was mainly centered on the South China Sea and started mainly starting from Guangzhou, so it is also known as the South China Sea Silk Road. It was formed in the Qin and Han Dynasties, flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. It was an important maritime passage linking the East and the West and realizing personnel exchanges, goods circulation and cultural exchanges.

Market ten continent people, rise the sea sound in ten thousand countries business.

The sound of the waves, the sound of the sea in the merchant ships. Hainan's mark on the thousand-year-old ancient Silk Road is not only a "supply station" and a "transit station", but also lies in the indelible cultural mark left by the Maritime Silk Road. The residents of ancient Hainan Island made important contributions to opening up the route of the Maritime Silk Road. The Geng Road Book in the hands of all the fishermen of Hainan dynasties is an important passage to record the ancient Maritime Silk Road.

A compass, a sea guide, "The More Road Book", and the South China Sea fishermen were able to sail to the Southeast Asia in the era without a precise positioning system.

Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, Hainan has been a safe haven, supply port and transshipment place between Chinese and Western merchant ships. Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty went down to the Western Seas, seven times through Hainan Island. A large number of ancient Chinese and foreign shipwrecks and effluent cultural relics in the South China Sea are also historical witnesses of the ancient Silk Road.

In 1996, the Huaguang Reef I shipwreck site was discovered near the Xisha Islands in Hainan province, and more than 1,800 water cultural relics were excavated. If you search for Haikou, the old arcade street and the Tianhou Palace hidden in the bustling commercial streets and dwellings in Haikou still retain the memory of the ancient Maritime Silk Road.

Since ancient times, the sea navigation needs more spiritual protector, and the greatest protection god is "Mazu". Mazu has its unique role on the ancient Maritime Silk Road. It is a symbol of Chinese maritime civilization and a symbol of the cultural identity of overseas Chinese far away from home. Hainan people come to worship Mazu in different ways every year, and some overseas Chinese from Nanyang make special trips back to Hainan to worship the festival. Hainan Mazu sacrifice has left a unique sacrificial culture.

From ancient times to the present, from east to west, the sea sail, the road wings. The Maritime Silk Road, with its opening up, went through many hardships and dangers, and its prosperity lasted for thousands of years. In the New Maritime Silk Road in the 21st century, Hainan is also playing an increasingly significant role, leaving an increasingly unique mark on the Maritime Silk Road.

(Source: Maritime Silk Road MSR)

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