Haikou Declaration of China(Hainan)—Maritime Silk Road Tourism Education Alliance


Art and educational institutions of the countries along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road share a common vision despite different ethnic, religious, historical, cultural, and economic backgrounds. Today, we gather in Haikou to jointly build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Tourism Education Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the“Alliance”) for the purpose of opening a window to mutual trust and assistance, building a bridge for closer people-to-people ties, and pushing the mutually beneficial cooperation for the countries along the Silk Road based on the platform of tourism education. Through negotiations, we hereby declare in Haikou as follows:

1. Pursuing harmonious coexistence to create a better life

In today’s world, the future and destiny of each nation and country are closely linked. We will work together to build our planet into a big and harmonious family, and turn the yearning for a better life of people all over the world into reality. For this purpose, we need to strengthen cooperation among countries, colleges and universities, especially the tourism colleges, and adhere to the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, in order to improve people's well-being.

2. Emphasizing the importance of education to cultivate talents

Education is the foundation of a country. Tourism education aims to cultivate high-quality tourism talents who promote the well-being of people. We will work together as a unit, persist in reform and innovate, learn from each other to promote the short-term and long-term goals and changes of tourism education in terms of teaching mode, training method and training quality, and provideknowledgeable, capable andvirtuous high-quality international talents for the growing tourism industry.

3. Strengthening civilized tourism education to respect lofty mora character

Civilized education is a sacred mission of tourism educators, and lofty morality is the foundation and premise of educators. We jointly advocate to promote the spirit of civilization, cultivate noble talents in the tourism industry, and assume the responsibility of guarding the tourism industry. We advocate to spread civilization, work together to build a civilized and safety barrier for the people in the entire tourism industry, and to make contributions to promote the development of human social civilization.

4. Promoting people-to-people exchange

Tourism education is an important part of cultural exchange. Culture is an important intellectual resource and spiritual driving force for the survival and development of a nation or a country, and it is also a significant symbol of social progress. The educational and cultural concept of “harmony in diversity”, the natural view of “unity of man and nature”, and the national view of “harmony among all countries” represent the development trends of today’s world. We shall expand the exchange and cooperation among member institutions, especially among students, seek the harmonious coexistence of diverse civilizations and values, eliminate cultural barriers in real life to give everyone access to cultural nourishment.

5.Members of "China (Hainan) - Maritime Silk Road Tourism Education Alliance" at the new starting point shall jointly work together in accordance with equal consultation to promote openness, inclusiveness, balance, and win-win horizon, and create good conditions for common development of all human beings, and strive to build a world of universal security, a world of common prosperity, and a world of openness and inclusiveness.

China(Hainan) —Maritime Silk Road Tourism Education Alliance

December, 22, 2019

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