海洋浮游植物和浮游动物构成了海洋食物网的基础,但是人们对气候变化对生物多样性的影响知之甚少。在这里,来自生物地球化学研究所的研究人员Fabio Benedetti等在2021年在国际顶尖期刊《Nature Communications》上发表了一篇名为“Major restructuring of marine plankton assemblages under global warming”的研究论文,文章的中文译名是《全球变暖下海洋浮游生物群落的重大重组》。作者使用336种浮游植物和524种浮游动物的物种分布模型来确定目前和未来它们的栖息地适宜性模式。
Marine phytoplankton and zooplankton form the basis of the ocean’s food-web, yet the impacts of climate change on their biodiversity are poorly understood. Fabio Benedetti and other research fellows from Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics published a paper entitled “Major restructuring of marine plankton assemblages under global warming” whose Chinese name was “全球变暖下海洋浮游生物群落的重大重组” in the international top journal Nature Communications in 2021. The researchers use an ensemble of species distribution models for a total of 336 phytoplankton and 524 zooplankton species to determine their present and future habitat suitability patterns.

The species diversity of marine plankton governs some of the most important marine ecosystem services. In the sun-lit layers of the oceans, photoautotrophic phytoplankton are responsible for about 50% of Earth’s annual net primary production. Phytoplankton are mainly grazed by the heterotrophic zooplankton, which in turn sustain global fisheries production. Together, these two trophic levels drive the biological carbon pump, a key determinant of the ocean-atmosphere balance of CO2. The diversity of phyto- and zooplankton has been shown to be a key modulator of this pump. Similarly, the diversity and size structure of the zooplankton mediate the recruitment of economically important fishes. The majority of studies indicate that the diversity of phyto- and zooplankton is largely controlled by climate, with temperature being the main driver. Warm temperatures promote species diversity by enhancing speciation, metabolic rates and selecting for a higher number of species. However, ocean warming forces species to shift their distribution ranges poleward to track their optimal thermal habitats. Furthermore, future global warming is expected to trigger species extirpations by pushing species beyond their thermal limits and by restructuring community composition.

The researchers model the monthly and mean annual diversity patterns stemming from the distribution of 860 plankton species (336 phytoplankton, 524 zooplankton) spanning 13 phyla, 71 orders, and 324 genera through an ensemble approach based on species distribution models (SDMs). And they match these binned open ocean records with observation-based climatologies of environmental predictors (temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, solar irradiance, macronutrients concentration, chlorophyll a concentration) that reflect the climatic and biogeochemical conditions of the surface open ocean. Assuming niche conservatism, they project each of the 16 resulting habitat suitability models into the future using outputs from five ESMs belonging to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project.

In the end, the researchers ensemble of models project phytoplankton SR to increase by more than 16% in most basins except the Arctic Ocean and zooplankton SR to strongly increase in temperate to subpolar latitudes (+24%) but to slightly decline in the tropics (−4%). In the temperate and subpolar latitudes, turnover rates as high as 40% are predicted for the mean annual phyto- and zooplankton assemblages compositions, which implies that future climate change threatens the plankton-mediated ecosystem services provided by the ocean in these regions.
