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    2021年09月29日 18:00


The end-Permian mass extinction (EPME), the largest biological crisis in the earth, occurred during the transition from Permian to Triassic about 250 million years ago as a result of environmental perturbations caused by volcanic eruptions in Siberia, resulting in the extinction of 90% of marine species.


A leading hypothesis links the marine mass extinction to the expansion of oceanic anoxia, although uncertainties exist as to the timing and extent. Recent studies have found that a brief major oxygenation preceded oceanic anoxia.

202182日,来自美国佛罗里达州立大学的研究人员在国际顶尖期刊《Nature Geoscience》上在线发表了一篇名为“Transient ocean oxygenation at end-Permian mass extinction onset shown by thallium isotopes”的研究论文,文章的中文译名是《铊同位素显示二叠纪末大灭绝开始时的短暂海洋氧化作用》。

On August 2, 2021, researchers from Florida State University published a paper online entitled “Transient ocean oxygenation at end-Permian mass extinction onset shown by thallium isotopes” whose Chinese title was《铊同位素显示二叠纪末大灭绝开始时的短暂海洋氧化作用》in the leading international journal Nature Geoscience.


After analyzing thallium isotopes from three sites in the Panthalassa, the largest ocean basin at the time, researchers found that a more complex redox environment existed at the time of the mass extinction based on the transient fluctuations in thallium isotopes driven by certain factors.

对此,文章的主要作者Sean M. Newby认为,氧化事件可能与短暂的变冷有关,在EPME期间,海洋系统对火山引起的高度波动产生了响应。

As to this issue, Sean M. Newby, lead author of the paper, argues “This oxygenation event may have been related to a transient cooling episode, based on published oxygen isotope records. These findings show that the Earth system experienced a highly fluctuating response to forcings linked to volcanogenic volatiles during the EPME.”

作者Sean M. Newby是佛罗里达州立大学地球海洋与大气科学学院,国家强磁场实验室的研究员。据悉,研究的起源来自于日本和加拿大地区还保存着的二叠纪-三叠纪过渡期间赤道附近的海洋地壳,这块地壳有2.5亿年历史,地壳样本位置如下图所示。

Sean M. Newby is a research professor of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science Department and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory of Florida State University. The study is said to originate from marine crust near the equator during the Permian-Triassic transition that is still preserved in areas of Japan and Canada. The crust has existed for more than 250 million years old, and its site is shown in the map below.


Thallium isotope is a new kind of ancient redox proxy that is widely distributed in global seawater. It has a short residence time and it is sensitive to redox changes in the oceanic crust. After collecting rock samples and searching existing databases, the differences in thallium isotopes preserved in ancient rocks make redox clues hundreds of millions of years ago available.


[Note: An isotope is an atom in which the number of protons is the same but the number of neutrons is different.]


Analysis of thallium isotopes in rock profiles revealed a transient negative shift in thallium isotopes during EPME, which then exhibited a shift to positive values and continued into the early Triassic. The negative shift in thallium isotopes indicated burial of manganese oxides, suggesting a rapid and transient oxygenation during EPME as shown in the figure below.


Sean M. Newby suggested two possible reasons for the increased burial of manganese oxides. Firstly, sea level rose during EPME that seawater intrusion expanded the area of the oxygenated seafloor by inundating the continental shelf. Secondly, there was a transient cooling episode at the beginning of EPME that coincided with a short-term thallium isotopes fluctuation.


However, researchers concluded that the first reason was not sufficient to give rise to the large and rapid redox fluctuations in the ocean near EPME. Therefore, the second reason may be more convincing in that the transient climate cooling triggered by large amounts of SO2 from volcanic eruptions can cause cold water to sink and increase dissolved oxygen in seawater, thus promoting thermohaline cycling and enhancing the burial of manganese oxides.


The researchers then proposed a Permian-Triassic model of redox changes in the ocean from the thallium isotope records. (a) The mid-Permian marine environment was similar to that in modern times; (b) The increased temperatures due to volcanic eruptions at the end of the Permian expanded the oceanic anoxic zone, leading to higher dissolved manganese; (c) The transient cooling mediated by increased SO2 emissions during EPME led to rapid and transient ocean oxygenation that increased burial of manganese oxides; (d) A rapid return to widespread anoxic conditions during EPME that persisted into the early Triassic.


This study suggested that the redox history during EPME was more complex than previously inferred. These perturbations in the global climate and ocean redox state suggest that EPME was caused not only by the transition to more anoxic seawater, but also by rapid redox fluctuations as well as extreme temperature changes.


In summary, these extreme environmental stresses have influenced the evolution of many marine organisms, including those that adapted to these environmental conditions long before EPME.




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