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    2021年08月21日 18:00


The marine blue hole is a rare physical geographic phenomenon on earth. From the surface of the sea, the blue hole has a color of deep blue different from the surrounding waters and forms a huge deep hole at the bottom of the sea, which is hailed by scientists as “the last legacy of the earth to keep the secrets of the universe for human beings”. The rankings of the world’s marine blue holes are as follows according to their depths: Sansha Yongle Blue Hole (300.89 meters), Dean’s Blue Hole in Long Island of Bahamas (202 meters), Blue Hole Dahab in Egypt (130 meters), Great Blue Hole of Belize in Honduras (123 meters), and Gozo Blue Hole in Malta (60 meters).




The marine blue hole is a huge “deep hole” where the sea floor suddenly sinks. Its name originates from the fact that when viewed from the sea surface, this underwater “deep hole” appears dim and has a mysterious color of dark blue in contrast to the surrounding waters. The blue hole is hundreds-of-foot deep, and when divers dive into the hole to survey it, they find that there is a severe lack of oxygen which cannot support the existence of marine life probably due to the lack of water circulation.




On July 24, 2016, the Sansha Municipal Government officially named the marine blue hole at Yongle Atoll in Xisha Islands after “Sansha Yongle Blue Hole”, which was confirmed to be the world’s deepest known marine blue hole after an on-site investigation by experts. It was located in the reef of Jinqing Island and Shiyu Island in Sansha with a depth of 300.89 meters. It was in 16°31′30″N and in 111°46′05″E. After investigation, Xisha Yongle Blue Hole was found to be an almost vertical cave, with the caliber of the blue hole being 130 meters and the diameter of the bottom of the hole being about 36 meters.


Previously, the rankings of the world’s marine blue holes are as follows: Dean’s Blue Hole in Long Island of Bahamas (202 meters), Blue Hole Dahab in Egypt (130 meters), Great Blue Hole of Belize in Honduras (123 meters), Gozo Blue Hole in Malta (60 meters). The appearance of Xisha Yongle Blue Hole significantly renewed the record of the world’s marine blue holes.




The marine blue holes are of great value in scientific research, and scientists have found many ancient fossils at the bottoms of them.


World Record

龙洞是最深的海洋蓝洞,位于中国南海的西沙群岛附近,深度 301 米。(吉尼斯世界纪录)

The Xisha Yongle Blue Hole in the South China Sea with a depth of 301 meters is the deepest marine blue hole. (Guinness World Records)




[1] 三沙发现神秘海洋蓝洞传说为南海之眼。腾讯见[引用日期2016-07-25]





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