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    2021年06月14日 13:50



Marine reptiles, or reptiles that can survive in the ocean, are groups of reptiles that are again adapted to aquatic or semi-aquatic environments. The two most common marine reptiles found in shelf waters are sea turtles and sea snakes, both of which are cold-blooded and therefore have rapidly declining populations from the tropics to the two poles.


The extant marine reptiles include sea turtles, sea crocodiles and sea snakes, while the extinct ones include ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs.




Sea turtles and sea snakes are now mainly produced in warm oceans located in the offshore areas of Qingdao in the warm temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. They can only be found by chance in the summer and autumn when sea temperatures rise, and the number is quite small.


Sea turtles are one of the most common and tame marine reptiles in the ocean, and there are many rare species, such as the hawk-headed turtle, which was found by fishermen in 2005 in coastal areas. Because this kind of turtle is not originally from the sea, it is relatively rare. It is fierce and feeds on small shrimps and fish, being one of the few sea turtles that are purely carnivorous. So far, the chelonia recorded in Qingdao include sea turtle and Rui turtle; the leatherback sea turtles belong to the family of leatherback turtles, all of which feed on crustaceans, mollusks and fish, and they are national protected animal.


Sea snakes are more commonly found near uninhabited offshore islands, including hydrophis caerulescens, chittue and hydrophis ornatus, and they are also rare along the coast of Qingdao in China.




(1) dry skin; lacking glands; the epidermis is highly keratinized and covered with keratinous scales or shields or with bony plates derived from the dermis.


(2) The lungs are more developed; the respiratory system has been perfected; the appearance of the thorax has strengthened the respiratory function.


(3) The skeleton is highly ossified, firmly combined and more flexible while rotation, which helps it to better adapt to the land crawling.


(4) It has two atria and one ventricle, but the ventricle has a septum, which is a system like that of a complete double circulation, greatly improving the circulatory function and efficiency.


(5) The kidneys of reptiles are progressive posterior kidneys with a higher excretory function.


(6) The nerve system and sense organs are well developed, improving the ability to adapt to the external environment. However, reptiles are still metamorphic animals.


(7) In vivo fertilization has improved the fertilization rate.


(8) Reptiles produce large amniotic eggs with abundant yolk and protective shells and have acquired the ability to reproduce on land. 


Body structure


Reptiles that live in marine environments are rare. In fact, of the 6,000-known species of reptiles, only 1% (about 60 species) live in the sea. These taxa include lizards, crocodilians, turtles and snakes. Each of these groups shares many of the same anatomy as all known reptiles: cold-blooded, air-breathing, scaly, and reproducing by internal fertilization. However, in order to be able to live in seawater, these marine reptiles have also evolved some special adaptations that terrestrial reptiles do not have.


The vast majority of air-breathing vertebrates cannot drink salt water directly because that would cause dehydration and also cause damage to the kidneys. Seawater contains concentrations of sodium chloride and other salts that are three times higher than those in blood and body fluids. Many marine reptiles are able to drink seawater because they have a special gland (salt gland) in their bodies that can excrete excess salt. In order to reduce the salt in body fluids, these glands can excrete a high salt solution that is two times thicker than seawater. The salt glands work so efficiently that they can process and excrete salt 10 times faster than the kidneys. Salt glands are usually located in the head, which are near the eyes.


There are about 50 species of sea snakes that inhabit the ocean. When diving, sea snakes can repel seawater from their bodies by closing their nasal membranes and the scales around their mouths. Their spreading tails act like a small oar, easily propelling their bodies forward. A sea snake’s lung is like an elongated and robust air sac that store oxygen. In addition, sea snakes can take in oxygen through their skin. These adaptations to the marine environment allow sea snakes to stay underwater for 30 minutes to two hours. Of course, this ability comes at a price. Because sea snakes usually need to swim to the surface to breathe, they have to consume more energy than snakes living on land.



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