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个人首页 项目课题 学术奖励 论文专著

1. N Geeraert, A Archana, MN Xu, SJ Kao, DM Baker, B Thibodeau, (2021). Investigating the link between Pearl River-induced eutrophication and hypoxia in Hong Kong shallow coastal waters. Science of The Total Environment, 145007.
2. Y Lu, S Cheung, L Chen, SJ Kao, X Xia, J Gan, M Dai, H Liu, (2020). New insight to niche partitioning and ecological function of ammonia oxidizing archaea in subtropical estuarine ecosystem. Biogeosciences 17 (23), 6017-6032.
3. L Chen, X Zhang, B He, J Liu, Y Lu, H Liu, M Dai, J Gan, SJ Kao*, (2020). Dark ammonium transformations in the Pearl River Estuary during summer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2019JG005596.
4. J Shen, N Jiao, M Dai, H Wang, G Qiu, J Chen, H Li, SJ Kao, JYT Yang, P Cai, K Zhou, W Yang, Y Zhu, Z Liu, M Chen, Z Zuo, B Gaya, M G. Wiesner, Y Zhao, (2020). Laterally transported particles from margins serve as a major carbon and energy source for dark ocean ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (18), e2020GL088971.
5. D Zou, R Wan, L Han, MN Xu, Y Liu, H Liu, SJ Kao, M Li, (2020). Genomic characteristics of a novel species of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea from the Jiulong River Estuary. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86 (18).
6. L Luo, SJ Kao, YF Wu, XL Zhang, H Lin, RJ Zhang, HY Xiao, (2020). Stable oxygen isotope constraints on nitrate formation in Beijing in springtime. Environmental Pollution 263, 114515.
7. X Ding, L Zheng, X Zheng, SJ Kao, (2020). Holocene East Asian summer monsoon rainfall variability in Taiwan. Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 234.
8. ZZ Zheng, LW Zheng, MN Xu, E Tan, DA Hutchins, W Deng, Y Zhang, D Shi, M Dai, SJ Kao*, (2020). Substrate regulation leads to differential responses of microbial ammonia-oxidizing communities to ocean warming. Nature communications 11 (1), 1-10.
9. Y Li, H Jing, SJ Kao, W Zhang, H Liu, (2020). Metabolic response of prokaryotic microbes to sporadic hypoxia in a eutrophic subtropical estuary. Marine pollution bulletin 154, 111064.
10. E Tan, W Zou, Z Zheng, X Yan, M Du, TC Hsu, L Tian, JJ Middelburg, T W. Trull, SJ Kao*, (2020). Warming stimulates sediment denitrification at the expense of anaerobic ammonium oxidation. Nature Climate Change 10 (4), 349-355.
11. Y Zhang, W Qin, L Hou, EJ Zakem, X Wan, Z Zhao, L Liu, KA Hunt, N Jiao, SJ Kao, K Tang, X XIe, J Shen, Y Li, M Chen, X Dai, C Liu, W Deng, M Dai, A E, Ingalls, D A, Stahl, G J. Herndl, (2020). Nitrifier adaptation to low energy flux controls inventory of reduced nitrogen in the dark ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (9), 4823-4830.
12. X Jian, W Zhang, S Yang, SJ Kao, (2020). Climate‐dependent sediment composition and transport of mountainous rivers in tectonically stable, subtropical East Asia. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (3), e2019GL086150.
13. S Chen, P Wang, H Liu, W Xie, XS Wan, SJ Kao, TJ Phelps, C Zhang, (2020). Population dynamics of methanogens and methanotrophs along the salinity gradient in Pearl River Estuary: implications for methane metabolism. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 104 (3), 1331-1346.
14. LW Zheng, D Li, X Ding, TY Lee, Z Zheng, FK Shiah, X Zheng, TC Hsu, JC Huang, SJ Kao*, (2020). Isotope constraints on the sources of particulate organic carbon in a subtropical deep reservoir. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125 (1), e2019JG005240.
15. L Wei, SJ Kao, C Liu, (2020). Mangrove species maintains constant nutrient resorption efficiency under eutrophic conditions, Journal of Tropical Ecology 36 (1), 36-38.
16. J Qiao, H Bao, D Huang, DW Li, TY Lee, JC Huang, SJ Kao, (2020). Runoff-driven export of terrigenous particulate organic matter from a small mountainous river: sources, fluxes and comparisons among different rivers. Biogeochemistry 147 (1), 71-86.
17. Y Lu, Z Wen, D Shi, W Lin, S Bonnet, M Dai, SJ Kao*, (2019). Biogeography of N2 Fixation Influenced by the Western Boundary Current Intrusion in the Sou...

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