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    2023年09月07日 21:39

Advance notice of procurement project of HNU

September 7, 2023 21:39









    预算金额:35.484 万元

    项目内容简述: 国重南海海洋动力资源课题组队伍在发展壮大的过程中,为了便于课题组师生更好地开展科研工作,需要采购工作站、GPU等数值仿真设备,用于师生日常工作科研。


    附件下载:  采购计划表20230903 - 国重.xls

Advance notice of procurement project of Hainan University

Important notice:

This is a self procurement project, which has been registered in the Procurement and Tendering Center of Hainan University. At present, the project has been on the phase of "Self organized Procurement by Applicants". Interested suppliers shall contact the project applicant in time to understand the specific situation of the procurement project.

This information is purely for project pre-announcement and reference. Due to the reasons of the project applicant, the project may be adjusted or even cancelled. The formal procurement information shall be subject to the information issued (or notified) by the project application unit. Please contact the project application unit in time.

Project number: ZXCG012023090601

Project name:  Procurement of workstations, GPU and other digital simulation equipment for MRU

Purchase type: Goods

Applicant: State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea

Budget amount: 354,840.00 yuan

Brief description: With the development of MRU research group on marine dynamic resources in South China Sea, in order to facilitate the teachers and students to carry out scientific research, procurement of workstations, GPU and other digital simulation equipment are needed for daily scientific research of teachers and students.

Project contact: Yanlian Du, mobile number: 18889284032


  • 地址:海南省海口市美兰区人民大道58号海南大学 (邮编:570228)
  • 电话:0898-66292367 传真:0898-66292367
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