王晓雪 的个人主页
  • 王晓雪 研究员,博士生导师


   王晓雪现任中国科学院南海海洋研究所研究员,博士生导师。主要从事海洋微生物的生理代谢与环境适应机制研究。19969月考入中国海洋大学, 20006月获学士学位, 20025月留学美国Texas A&M University,就读遗传学专业,硕博连读,于200612月获博士学位。20071月至201111月,先后在美国Rutgers UniversityTexas A&M University做博士后研究。201112月起在中国科学院南海海洋研究所组建海洋微生物被膜课题组,担任责任研究员。先后主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、国家杰出青年项目和重点研发项目等。2012年鉴定并命名了首个具有新颖作用机制的V型毒素-抗毒素系统GhoST,在国际范围内得到广泛认可;发现细菌基因组携带的毒素-抗毒素系统能够增强细菌的顽固耐药性,并揭示了毒素和抗毒素的作用机制以及该系统在应答环境胁迫时的调控通路。以通讯作者或第一作者身份在Nature Chemical Biology2篇)、Nature CommunicationsPNASThe ISME Journal(3篇)、Nucleic Acids Research(3篇)发表论文多篇,累计发表SCI收录论文40余篇。


  目前担任《中国科学:地球科学》编委、Frontiers in Marine Science编委、中国海洋湖沼学会微生物海洋学分会常务理事、广东省遗传学会青年委员会副主任委员和广东省遗传学会第十届理事会理事。



  1. 毒素-抗毒素系统的功能鉴定和类别判定;

  2. 毒素-抗毒素系统与可移动遗传元件的水平和垂直转移;

  3. 毒素-抗毒素系统与抗药和耐药基因的水平转移。


        1. Ni SW, Li BY, Tang KH, Yao JY, Wood TK, Wang Y*, Wang X*. (2021). Conjugative plasmid-encoded toxin-antitoxin system PrpT/PrpA directly controls plasmid copy number. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.118 (4) e2011577118.

        2. Liu X, Lin S, Liu T, Zhou Y, Wang W, Yao J, Guo Y, Tang K, Chen R, Benedik MJ, Wang X*. (2021). Xenogeneic silencing relies on temperature dependent phosphorylation of the host H-NS protein in Shewanella. Nucleic Acids Research. 49(6) :3427-3440.

        3. Wang X*, Yao JY, Sun YC, Wood TK*. (2021). Type VII Toxin/Antitoxin Classification System for Antitoxins that Enzymatically Neutralize Toxins. Trends in Microbiology. Online

        4. Yao JY, Zhen XK, Tang KH, Liu LT, Xu XL, Chen Z, Guo YX., Liu XX., Wood TK, Ouyang SY*, Wang X*. (2020). Novel Polyadenylylation-Dependent Neutralization Mechanism of the HEPN/MNT Toxin/Antitoxin System. Nucleic Acids Research 48(19): 11054–11067.

        5. Zhou Y., Tang KH*, Wang PX, Wang WQ, Wang Y, Wang X*. (2020) Identification of bacteria-derived urease in the coral gastric cavity. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 63(10): 1553-1563.

        6. Li YM, Liu XX, Tang KH, Wang W, Guo YX*, Wang X*. (2020). Prophage encoding toxin/antitoxin system PfiT/PfiA inhibits Pf4 production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbial Biotechnology.  2020 13(4):1132-1144.

        7. Liu X, Tang KH, Zhang DL, Li YM, Liu Z, Yao J, Wood TK, Wang X*. (2019) Symbiosis of a P2-Family Phage and Deep-Sea Shewanella putrefaciens. Environmental Microbiology 21(11):4212-4232

        8. Guo ZW, Wang WQ, Guo N, Zeng ZS, Liu T*, Wang X*. (2019). Molybdenum-mediated chemotaxis of Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica enhances biofilm-Induced mineralization on low alloy steel surface. Corrosion Science. 159: 108123.

        9. PX Wang, D He, BY Li, YX Guo, WQ Wang, XJ Luo, XY Zhao, Wang X*. (2019) Eliminating mcr-1-harbouring plasmids in clinical isolates using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74(9), 2559–2565.

       10. Guo YX, Sun CL, Li YM, Tang KH, Ni SW, Wang X*. Antitoxin HigA inhibits virulence gene mvfR expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Environmental Microbiology 21(8):2707-2723.

       11. Song S, Guo YX, Kim JB, Wang X*, Wood TK*. (2019) Phage Mediate Bacterial Self-Recognition. Cell Reports. 27 (3), 737-749.-7495

       12. Zhan WE, Yao JY, Tang KH, Li YM, Guo YX*, Wang X*. (2019). Characterization of Two Toxin-Antitoxin Systems in Deep-Sea Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 02999. Marine Drugs, 17(4), 211.

       13. Tang KH, Wang Y, Wang X*(2019). Recent progress on signalling molecules of coral-associated microorganisms. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 62 (4), 609–618.

       14. Li Y, Liu X, Tang KH, Wang PX, Zeng ZS, Guo YX, Wang X*(2019). Excisionase in Pf Filamentous Prophage Controls Lytic-lysogeny Decision-making in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Molecular Microbiology. 111(2), 495–513.

       15. Liu T, Guo ZW, Zeng ZS, Guo N, Lei YH, Liu T, Sun SB, Chang XT, Yin YS*, Wang X* (2018). Marine Bacteria Provide Lasting Anti-Corrosion Activity for Steel via Biofilm-induced Mineralization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 10 (46), 40317–40327.

       16. Yao J, Guo Y, Wang P, Zeng Z, Li B, Tang K, Liu X, Wang X* (2018). Type II toxin/antitoxin system ParESO /CopASO stabilizes prophage CP4So in Shewanella oneidensis. Environmental Microbiology. 20, 1224-1239.

       17. Wang P, Zeng Z, Wang W, Wen Z, Li J, Wang X* (2017). Dissemination and loss of a biofilm-related genomic island in marine Pseudoalteromonas mediated by integrative and conjugative elements. Environmental Microbiology. 19(11), 4620-4637.

       18. Guo Y, Liu X, Li B, Yao J, Wood TK, Wang X* (2017). Tail-anchored inner membrane protein ElaB increases resistance to stress while reducing persistence in Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology. 199:e00057-17.

       19. Zeng Z, Liu X, Yao J, Guo Y, Li B, Li Y, Jiao N, Wang X* (2016). Cold adaptation regulated by cryptic prophage excision in Shewanella oneidensis. The ISME Journal 10(12):2787-2800.

       20. Wang X*, Wood TK* (2016). Cryptic prophages as targets For drug development. Drug Resistance Updates. 27:30-8. doi:10.1016/j.drup.2016.06.001

       21. Wang PX, Yu ZC, Li BY, Cai XS, Zeng ZZ, Chen X, Wang X* (2015). Development of an efficient conjugation-based genetic manipulation system for Pseudoalteromonas. Microbial Cell Factories. 2015, 14:11

       22. Guo Y, Quiroga C, Chen Q, McAnulty MJ, Benedik MJ, Wood TK*, Wang X* (2014). RalR (a DNase) and RalA (a small RNA) form a type I toxin–antitoxin system in Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Research. 42 (10): 6448-6462.

       23. Wang X*, Lord DM, Hong SH, Peti W, Benedik MJ, Page R, Wood TK* (2013). Type II toxin/antitoxin MqsR/MqsA controls type V toxin/antitoxin GhoT/GhoS. Environmental Microbiology. 15(6):1734-44

       24. Wang X#, Lord DM#, Cheng HY#, Osbourne DO, Hong SH, Sanchez-Torres V, Quiroga C, Zheng K, Herrmann T, Peti W, Benedik MJ, Page R*, Wood TK* (2012). A new type V toxin-antitoxin system where mRNA for toxin GhoT is cleaved by antitoxin GhoS. Nature Chemical Biology. 8(10):855-61. (# co-first authors).

       25. Wang X, Kim Y, Hong SH, Ma Q, Brown BL, Pu M, Tarone AM, Benedik MJ, Peti W, Page R, Wood TK* (2011). Antitoxin MqsA helps mediate the bacterial general stress response. Nature Chemical Biology 7, 359-366.

       26. Wang X, Wood TK* (2011). Toxin/antitoxin systems influence biofilm and persister cell formation and the general stress response. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 77, 5577-5583.

       27. Wang X, Wood TK* (2011). IS5 inserts upstream of flhDC in a quasi-Lamarckian way. The ISME Journal 5, 1517–1525.

       28. Wang X, Kim Y, Ma Q, Hong S-H, Pokusaeva K, Sturnio JM, Wood TK* (2010) Cryptic prophages help bacteria cope with adverse environments. Nature Communications 1, 147.

       29. Wang X, Kim Y, Wood TK* (2009). Control and benefits of CP4-57 prophage excision in Escherichia coli biofilms. The ISME Journal 3, 1164-1179. 


   1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,大肠杆菌原噬菌体e14rac CPS-53 中毒素-抗毒素系统的功能性研究。

  2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题三,深海细菌的特殊应激反应和次级代谢及其深海环境适应机制。

  3. 国家重大科研计划课题一,MCP的惰性溶解有机碳生产过程与分子生物学机制。


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