实验室王咸鹏教授在SCI期刊《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》(工程技术2区,IF=5.339)发表文章。
Professor Wang Xianpeng from the MRU published a paper in the SCI journal IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Engineering and Technology Ranking Q 2, IF=5.339).
The paper focuses on the communications channel estimation of intelligent transportation system, mainly studying the low-complexity channel estimation of circular and non-circular signals in virtual MIMO communications systems. In the intelligent transportation systems (ITS), the communication between base stations (BS) and vehicles can form a VMIMO communication system. And for the VMIMO communication systems, DOA and polarization estimation are crucial. As shown in Fig. 1, for the channel estimation problem of VMIMO system in SA, the paper firstly proposes a new quaternion non-circular MUSIC (QNC-MUSIC) algorithm based on quaternion theory to solve the problem of DOA estimation in the case of coexistence of circular and non-circular signals. Then, the parameter search is downscaled by using the partial derivatives of the spectral function with respect to the non-circular phase. Then a novel DRNC-MUSIC algorithm with low computational complexity is further proposed for the simultaneous implementation of DOA and polarization estimation of circular and non-circular signals.
The paper investigates the method of using DOA estimation and channel estimation to assist localization based on their characteristics. And according to the constructed VMIMO communication system, a two-level assisted vehicle localization method is also proposed. In practice, the signal strength of the LOS path is much stronger than that of the NLOS path, which can make it easy to distinguish the LOS path from the NLOS path. Firstly, the distance between the vehicle and the BS which is also called the LOS path is measured roughly based on a simple TOA technique. Secondly, as shown in Fig. 2, after obtaining three distances by using three different BSs, the DOA estimation algorithm is used to perform high-precision DOA estimation of the measured mobile terminal so as to precisely locate the target. Finally, the location of the mobile terminal is determined by triangulation. The polarization parameter estimation can further distinguish different mobile terminals, and the related results can be used for mutual positioning between land or sea carriers.
