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    南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室扩大招聘 全职科研人员和博士后
    2021年03月24日 16:47










































Recruitment Expansion Announcement for Full-Time Scientific Research Staff and Post-Doctoral Fellows

State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea of Hainan University

As a comprehensive and key university under the joint support and instruction of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and Hainan Province, a university of Project 211 and a “world first-class disciplines” construction university, Hainan University perform under “supporting Hainan University to create world-class disciplines” by General Secretary Xi Jinping in April 13, 2018. In 2018, Hainan Province made a major decision of “gathering all the resources of the whole province to improve Hainan University”. In recent years, the implementation of the national strategy for the construction of Hainan free trade port has provided a valuable opportunity for the development of Hainan University.

The State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea (MRU) of Hainan University is the first state key laboratory for the development, utilization and conservation of marine resources in the South China Sea in China. In order to meet the South China Sea strategy and the economic and social development needs of Hainan Province as well as to cater to the needs of discipline construction and development, MRU openly recruits outstanding Ph.D. graduates.

I. Position Type

Full-time scientific research staff and postdoctoral fellows

. The Discipline Requirements for the Position

Physical oceanography, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, biogeochemistry, physical-biogeochemical modeling, marine geology and metallogeny, science of living marine resources, marine engineering, marine technology, petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, energy and power engineering, satellite remote sensing, development of ocean observation instrument and other related disciplines.

III. Requirements

(I) Full-time scientific research staff (backbone of the scientific research contingents)

Be patriotic and abide by the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China.

Love the cause of education and scientific research and have good moral quality and professional ethics.

Be physically and mentally healthy, have professional abilities and development potentials, and do well in the scientific research work.

Have a doctoral degree (certificates must be obtained before admission).

Meet other specific requirements for the position.

Those who are appointed, directed or on the job should have the letters of consent from the original units.

(II) Postdoctoral Fellows

The age is generally not more than 35 years old (36 years old)

Have a doctoral degree from a well-known university at home or abroad (generally not more than 3 years since obtaining the degree); have a good political and moral quality, be physically and mentally healthy, and be good at scientific research.

The postdoctoral mobile station of the same first-level discipline in the applicants’ doctoral graduation unit should not be applied.

People who are directed and appointed, on the job or in active military service should be off-duty to engage in postdoctoral research, and the leaders and cadres of party and government organs are not allowed to engage in the postdoctoral research.

In-service staff, over-age staff, and staff of the same unit and the same discipline should first contact the Doctoral Management Office of the Personnel Department of Hainan University. (Contact: Liu, 0898-66264502)

IV. Remuneration Packages

(I) Full-time Scientific Research Staff

Talents from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or foreign countries are subject to the annual salary system (one case, one discussion).

Domestic talents enjoy the officially budgeted posts and appreciate the salary and welfare treatment of public institutions in accordance with national and provincial government regulations (please click the following links for more information: http://www.hnftp.gov.cn/zcfg/zcwj/hnzc/202009/t20200927_3294055.html; https://ha.hainanu.edu.cn/renshi/info/1009/1069.htm).

Full-time Scientific Research Staff can apply for the Independent Research and Development project and the Open Project of MRU.

(II) Postdoctoral Fellows

More than 230,000 yuan a year pretax, including basic salary, living allowance and performance allowance. The basic salary is the daily funding of the National Postdoctoral Association or the daily funding of Hainan Province, and the current standard is 80,000 yuan a year pretax per person (this policy is only for 2 years for a person, and the specific standard is subject to the latest policy of China or Hainan Province); the living allowance is provided by Hainan University and it is 150,000 yuan a year pretax per person (this policy is only for 2 years for a person); the performance allowance is provided by the cooperative supervisor and will be issued by the cooperative supervisor according to the actual situation after the annual assessment.

Full-time postdoctoral fellows can apply for postdoctoral research grants from Hainan Province, and the types of grants include research project grants of 80,000 yuan and surface grants of 50,000 yuan according the latest policy of Hainan Province. They can apply for China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (grants of 50,000-18,000 yuan) after entering the station.

Full-time postdoctoral fellows can apply for housing allowance of 3,000 yuan per month from Hainan University or Hainan Province according to the latest policy of Hainan Province.

During the postdoctoral period, the education of their children will be treated in the same way as teachers on staff in Hainan University.

The scientific research achievements obtained during the station can declare awards according to Hainan University’s rules.

Postdoctoral fellows ranked “excellent” can be given priority to staying in Hainan University to teach.

If you are successful in applying for the Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program based on MRU, Hainan University will provide an additional salary of 100,000 yuan a year during the postdoctoral period. More details can be seen in the “Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program” (https://ha.hainanu.edu.cn/renshi/info/1014/2471.htm)

Discipline leaders and young scholars should download and fill in the Hainan University High-Level Talent Introduction Application Form, and postdoctoral fellows should check the Hainan University Postdoctoral Entry Processes and Materials”. The materials can be e-mailed to MRU at mruzp@hainanu.edu.cn, and the email title format is: Position-Professional Orientation-Real Name.

Contact: Mr. Zhang 0898-66276750

The e-mail title format: Position-Discipline-Real Name.

This announcement is valid for a long time until the positions are full. If there are changes in the relevant policies of Hainan University, the applicants should obey the latest ones.

  • 地址:海南省海口市美兰区人民大道58号海南大学 (邮编:570228)
  • 电话:0898-66292367 传真:0898-66292367
  • 邮箱:mru@hainanu.edu.cn mruzp@hainanu.edu.cn(招聘专用)
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